Web Hosting for Artists

Written by Web Hosting Expert

Reviewed by Technical Editor

Updated May 2, 2024
Web Hosting for Artists

As a creative professional, it's essential to market your work effectively. Nowadays, the Internet is a key tool for promotion and sales.

One critical, yet often overlooked, aspect is web hosting.

Having a website is crucial, whether you're selling products online, running a physical store, or blogging. It's usually the first place potential customers visit to learn about what you offer.

Why Do Artists Need A Personal Website?

1. Copyright

As an artist, your creations are not just your investment but also your intellectual property. It's crucial to keep a digital record of your artwork for proof in case of any copyright issues. This can serve as evidence in legal situations.

2. Staying relevant

The arts are always changing, and staying current requires adaptability. With digital media's growth, people expect immersive, tech-rich experiences. To stay relevant, being online and tech-savvy is essential.

3. Easy to contact

Make sure you are easy to find and contact. By having contact forms and links to social media accounts, you make it simple for potential clients and businesses to get in touch.

4. Brand awareness

Building your personal brand as an artist is vital in today’s highly competitive world. Your website is a key tool to showcase your unique vision to galleries, media, and collectors.

By carefully curating what images and info to share online, you control your artistic image, ensuring you're seen as a dedicated artist with a distinct style.

5. Redesigning your website

This will help you stick to your brand or mission in an accurate way and in the meantime increase brand awareness.

Choosing a platform: CMS or Website Builders?

CMS vs Website builders for artists website

Currently, there are two options on the market to create a website. Let’s quickly review them to help you decide which is ideal for you.

Website Builders

Website builders are tools that allow individuals and businesses to create websites without needing to write or edit code manually.

They typically offer a drag-and-drop interface, making it easy for users to add content, images, and features to their website.

Some obvious advantages of website builders include:

  • They don’t require any coding skills or any prior knowledge or experience.

  • Website builders are hosted, and you don't need to buy hosting for them.

  • If you’re looking for a quick solution for your site you can create a website in less than 30 minutes.

  • A website builder is an affordable option on the market that offers various monthly plans that will fit your budget and needs.

Website builders may not suit businesses seeking fully custom designs. Limited to template use, brands can only modify certain layout aspects.

CMS and Traditional Web Hosting


WordPress is a powerful Content Management System (CMS), that allows you to do anything you can think of with your website. Advantages of using WordPress include:

  • It is free. However, the websites on hosting require hosting services, for which you will need to pay.

  • If you're looking for total control over your website and are willing to learn, WordPress is a great choice. It offers a wide range of themes for full customization.

  • WordPress is user-friendly and not just for coders. While it demands more skill than basic website builders, it's still accessible to those without coding experience.

  • Building and maintaining a site using WordPress is significantly cheaper than building your site from scratch or hiring a designer.


Joomla is a great CMS for anyone looking for a comprehensive content management solution. It's easy to use and supports over 70 languages, making it perfect for educational sites or complex websites like social networks.


Drupal is a technical content management system (CMS) that requires significant knowledge to use effectively. It's the second most popular CMS after WordPress, often noted for its complexity compared to other platforms.

Here’s a summary of tables comparing CMS and Website Builders

FeatureWebsite BuildersCMS (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal)
Ease of UseExtremely user-friendly with drag-and-drop interfaces. No coding skills are required.Varies. WordPress and Joomla are user-friendly, while Drupal is more technical. Basic understanding and time investment are required for all
CustomizationLimited customization options. Mainly through pre-designed templatesExtensive customization through themes and plugins. Drupal offers deep customization for technical users
Coding Skills RequiredNot requiredNot strictly needed for WordPress and Joomla. Basic understanding beneficial; required for Drupal
HostingTypically hosted; no need to purchase separate hostingRequires hosting service, which adds to the cost
Time to Set UpCan set up a website in less than 30 minutesLonger setup time due to customization and learning curve
CostGenerally affordable with various monthly plansFree to start (excluding hosting), but may incur costs for premium themes/plugins and hosting
Custom DesignLimited by template designs.Almost limitless design possibilities with the right skills or resources
Language SupportMay vary. Generally supports major languages through plugins or settingsJoomla supports over 70 languages natively, making it ideal for international sites. WordPress and Drupal have extensive language plugins
Technical RequirementsLow. Managed by the platform providerHigher. Users manage updates, security, and backups, though managed hosting options are available
ScalabilityThis may be limited by the platform's capabilities.High. Suitable for websites that plan to grow or require complex features
Community and SupportSupport typically provided by the service providerExtensive community support, with numerous tutorials, forums, and third-party services.
Ideal ForBeginners and those needing quick, simple websitesThose requiring more control, functionality, and scalability. Good for blogs, complex websites, and online stores.

Considerations for Choosing Web Hosting for Artists

Let’s quickly review some features you should consider before choosing web hosting if you’re an artists.

Tech support

Tech support

When selecting a hosting service, check the type of customer support they provide to ensure they can quickly resolve any issues or unexpected downtimes.



Consider what unique add-on features a hosting provider offers to stand out from their competitors.

Control panel

Control panel

Check if your provider uses an easy-to-use interface like cPanel for updates, or a less intuitive one, before choosing a web host.



You should see if your web hosting provider fits into your future plans. Prioritize a web hosting company that has no problem accommodating your future growth.

How to Make an Impressive Online Portfolio

Make an Impressive Online Portfolio

An online portfolio helps you put your best work out there.

With a high-quality website, you can show off some of your best pieces to the world — and build buyer trust in the process.

Good design is just as important as good craftsmanship, so creating an easy-to-use e-commerce site with strong branding is a must for any brand looking to succeed in today's marketplace.

To learn about this topic, read our dedicated article on How to Make an Impressive Online Portfolio.

Gallery and Portfolio Optimization: Showcasing Your Work Online

A well-organized and visually appealing portfolio can capture the attention of galleries, clients, and fans.

Here are key points to ensure your online showcase stands out:

  • Choose the Right Platform: Select a website builder or CMS that offers great portfolio and gallery features. Look for options that allow for easy uploading, categorizing, and displaying of high-quality images.
  • High-Quality Images: Use high-resolution images for your artwork to ensure that visitors can see the details of your work clearly. Consider professional photography or learn how to take high-quality photographs yourself.
  • Categorize Your Work: Organize your portfolio into categories if you work in different mediums or styles. This makes it easier for visitors to find the type of work they're interested in.
  • Minimalist Design: Opt for a clean, minimalist design that doesn't distract from your artwork. Let your work be the focal point of your portfolio.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure your website is responsive, meaning it adjusts smoothly to different screen sizes. Many visitors will view your site on mobile devices.
  • Include Detailed Descriptions: For each piece, include a title, medium, size, and a brief description. This information can help visitors understand and appreciate your work more deeply.
  • Contact Information: Clearly display your contact information or include a contact form. Make it easy for potential clients or galleries to reach out to you.
  • SEO Optimization: Use relevant keywords in your website’s text and image descriptions to improve your search engine ranking. This helps more people find your work online.

Integrating E-commerce: Selling Art Directly From Your Site

Selling art directly from your website not only simplifies the purchasing process for your customers but also gives you full control over the sales experience.

Consider these tips to seamlessly integrate e-commerce into your artist website:

1. Select a Suitable E-commerce Platform

Choose an e-commerce platform that integrates well with your site and suits your budget. Popular options include Shopify, WooCommerce (for WordPress users), and BigCommerce.

2. Simplify the Checkout Process

Ensure the checkout process is straightforward and secure. A complicated checkout can deter potential buyers. Consider options like PayPal, Stripe, or Square for payment processing.

3. High-Quality Product Images

Use professional-grade photos of your artwork. Include multiple angles and close-up shots to give a comprehensive view of each piece.

4. Transparent Pricing and Shipping Information

Clearly display the price of each item and provide detailed shipping information, including costs, carriers, and delivery times. Be transparent about any additional fees.

5. Offer Limited Editions

Creating limited-edition prints can make your work more desirable. Clearly number and sign each piece to authenticate it as part of a limited run.

6. Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews or testimonials. Positive feedback can significantly influence potential buyers.

7. Secure Your Website

Implement SSL certificates to secure your website and protect customer data during transactions. This is crucial for building trust with your audience.

8. Promotions and Discounts

Use your website to run promotions, offer discounts, or highlight sales. This can encourage purchases and attract more visitors to your site.

Final Remarks

In the digital age, the audience's expectations for the arts have changed. Technology has increased the appetite for an interactive and immersive experience.

Suffice it to say you need to have an online presence in order to stay relevant.

The core of every online portfolio lies in the website.

Choosing a great hosting provider, quality service, and original domain name are some of the most important elements you need to showcase your work effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I create a website?

There are many reasons why you should create a website if you’re an artist. You can use it to create a place where people can learn about you, talk about your art, or show off your work.

Who should have an online portfolio?

Online portfolios are a must for artists, graphic designers, architects, videographers, and photographers.

What is the best way to display my art on my website?

Your website can be used for many things; however, you need to keep in mind that you created your website to promote your art. Don’t get wrapped up in all the things around your site and forget to put the primary focus on your art.

How do I choose a design for my website?

One of the most important things when creating a website for your art is the design. Even though your pieces of art might be amazing, people will leave if your site is hard to navigate. This is why it’s important that the site is easy on the eyes and easy to navigate.

Do artists still need a website?

Yes. With people online more than ever, and online searches at an all-time high, having an artist website is crucial. Artists can use their website as a professional hub to showcase their work, connect with audiences, and sell their art directly.

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