How to Redirect a Domain to Another Domain

Written by Web Hosting Expert

How to Redirect a Domain to Another Domain

Redirecting a domain to another domain is a common practice in web development and online business management. Domain redirection is the process of directing website traffic from one domain to another.

It involves setting up rules or configurations that automatically forward visitors from the original domain to a new one. This technique is commonly used for rebranding, consolidating multiple websites into a single domain, changing domain names, or simply improving user experience.

In this article, we'll explore effective methods for redirecting domains, options provided by domain registrars, utilizing the .htaccess file, and implementing DNS redirection. We'll also cover SEO considerations and best practices to maintain search engine rankings during the redirection process.

Understanding Domain Redirection

Domain redirection involves configuring web servers or domain settings to automatically redirect visitors from one domain to another. It is achieved through the use of HTTP status codes, which inform web browsers and search engines about the nature and duration of the redirect.



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Types of Redirects

301 Redirect (Permanent Redirect)

A 301 redirect is used when permanently moving a website to a new domain or permanently relocating the content of a page to a different URL. It notifies search engines that the original domain or page has been replaced permanently by the new one. The browser or search engine crawler updates its index accordingly.

Visitors are automatically redirected to the new domain or URL without any user interaction. This redirect is strongly recommended for SEO purposes as it transfers the ranking and link authority from the old domain to the new one. Use a 301 redirect when permanently moving a domain or consolidating multiple websites into one.

Example: Arduino

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently

302 Redirect (Temporary Redirect)

A 302 redirect is used when temporarily moving a website or page to a different domain or URL. It tells web browsers and search engines that the change is temporary, and visitors should still access the original domain or URL. Search engines may index the original domain but display the redirected URL.

This redirect is beneficial when you want to preserve the original domain's identity or plan to revert back to it later. Use a 302 redirect for temporary domain redirection during activities like site maintenance or A/B testing.


HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: http://newdo

307 Redirect (Temporary Redirect for HTTP 1.1)

The 307 redirect is a temporary redirect that caters to HTTP 1.1 protocol requirements. It ensures that both the user's browser and search engines access the original domain or URL. It is beneficial when you want to maintain compatibility with older browsers or when implementing redirects in an HTTP 1.1 environment.

Use a 307 redirect for temporary domain redirection during activities like site maintenance or A/B testing.



HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect

It is important to choose the appropriate redirect type based on the specific circumstances to ensure a smooth user experience and maintain SEO value.

Redirecting a Domain via Domain Registrar

A domain registrar is a company where you can register and manage domain names. It provides a control panel or management interface for configuring domain settings, including domain redirection.

Setting up Domain Redirect using the Domain Registrar Control Panel

If you want to redirect a domain to another domain, one of the simplest ways is through your domain registrar's settings. Most domain registrars provide options to set up domain forwarding or redirects

  • Log in to your domain registrar account.
  • Go to the domain management dashboard. This is where you will find the settings related to your domain.
  • Within the domain management section, find the specific domain you want to redirect in your registered domains list.
  • Look for options like "Forwarding," "Domain Forwarding," or "URL Redirect" in the domain settings.
  • Enter the destination domain (the domain you want to redirect to).
  • Choose the appropriate redirect type (301 permanent redirect or 302 temporary redirect).
  • Save the changes.

Redirecting a Domain via Web Hosting Service

Redirecting a Domain via Web Hosting Service

Redirecting a domain through your web hosting service allows you to have more control over the redirect process and integrate it seamlessly with your hosting environment. It is particularly useful when you want to manage the multiple aspects of hosting and domain in one place.

  • Log in to your web hosting account using your account credentials.
  • Once logged in, access the control panel or management interface provided by your hosting service.
  • Find the domain management section within the control panel.
  • Look for options like domain redirect, URL redirect, or domain forwarding within the settings for the selected domain.
  • Enter the destination domain or URL in the fields provided
  • Choose the appropriate redirect type (e.g., 301 permanent redirect or 302 temporary redirect).
  • Save the changes.


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Redirecting a Domain via .htaccess File

The .htaccess file is a configuration file used by Apache web servers to control various aspects of website behavior. It allows you to modify server settings, enable/disable features, and perform URL rewriting, including domain redirection.

  • Connect to your web server using FTP or a file manager.
  • Locate the root directory of your domain. The root directory is named public_html, www, or the domain name itself.
  • Look for the .htaccess file (if it doesn't exist, create a new file and name it ".htaccess").
  • Create a backup of the existing .htaccess file. This allows you to revert back to the original file if needed.
  • Open the .htaccess file and add the following lines of code:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^yourdomain\.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301]

Replace "" with your current domain and "" with the destination domain. The above code redirects all requests from the old domain to the corresponding URL on the new domain.

  • Save the .htaccess file and upload it to the root directory of your domain.
  • Upload the edited or new .htaccess file to your server using FTP or the file manager.
  • Test the redirect by entering the original domain in a web browser, and ensure the redirect is functioning correctly.

Working with the .htaccess file requires attention to detail, as misconfigurations can lead to website errors or disruptions.

DNS Redirection

DNS (Domain Name System) redirection involves configuring DNS records to redirect traffic from one domain to another. It is an alternative method for domain redirection when other options are not available. Here's a breakdown of how to redirect a domain using DNS records:

Understand DNS Records and their Role

DNS records contain information about a domain's settings, such as IP addresses, mail servers, and aliases. The two most common DNS record types used for redirection are:

  • A (Address) Record: This record maps a domain name to an IP address. It associates the domain with a specific server where the website is hosted.

  • CNAME (Canonical Name) Record: This record creates an alias for a domain and points it to another domain or hostname. It allows you to redirect traffic from one domain to another.

  • Determine the DNS provider: Identity the DNS provider responsible for managing the DNS records of the domain you want to redirect. This could be your domain registrar, web hosting provider, or a dedicated DNS service.

  • Access the DNS management interface: Log in to your DNS provider's control panel or management interface. This is where you can modify the DNS records for your domain.

  • Locate the DNS records: Find the section or option in the control panel that allows you to manage DNS records for your domain. It may be labeled as DNS settings, DNS management, or something similar.

Edit or create DNS records

To redirect using an A record

  • Access your DNS provider's control panel or management interface.
  • Log in using your account credentials.
  • Locate the section as "DNS Management" or "DNS Settings."
  • Look for an option to add a new record.
  • Select the record type as A (Address).
  • Enter the hostname or subdomain you want to redirect in the appropriate field.
  • Set the IP address of the destination server or website where you want to redirect the traffic in the record's value field.
  • Save the changes.

To redirect using a CNAME record

  • Access your DNS provider's control panel or domain management interface.
  • Log in using your account credentials.
  • Locate the section "DNS Management" or "DNS Settings."
  • Look for an option to add a new record.
  • Select the record type as CNAME. Enter the destination domain or hostname in the record value field.
  • Find the existing CNAME record associated with the domain you want to redirect.
  • Select the CNAME record and look for an option to edit its settings.
  • Modify the record's value field to the domain or hostname of the destination where you want to redirect the traffic.
  • Save the changes.

Keep in mind that the steps for editing or creating DNS records may differ depending on your DNS provider. Refer to your provider's documentation or seek support for specific instructions tailored to their platform.

DNS redirection may not be as effective or instantaneous as other methods due to caching and propagation of DNS records across the internet. It is best to consider DNS redirection as a last resort when other options are unavailable or not feasible.

Test the redirect

Test the redirection after making the changes to ensure its effectiveness. Follow these steps:

  • Open a web browser.
  • Enter the original domain (the one you set up the redirect for) in the browser's address bar.
  • Press Enter to navigate to the domain.
  • The browser should automatically redirect you to the new destination
  • Verify that the redirection is functioning correctly and that you are directed to the desired destination.

Note: It may take some time for DNS changes to propagate, so make sure to test the redirect after sufficient time has passed for the changes to take effect.

If you have a website built on a CMS platform like WordPress, you can take advantage of plugins specifically designed to handle domain redirection. These plugins simplify the process and provide additional features for managing the redirect effectively.

Checking and Troubleshooting Your Domain Redirect

Checking and Troubleshooting Your Domain Redirect

After setting up a domain redirect, it's essential to verify that it is working correctly. Additionally, understanding common issues that can occur during the process and having troubleshooting techniques can help you resolve any problems that arise.

Manual Testing:

Use different web browsers: Test the redirect using different web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. This ensures that the redirect works consistently across multiple platforms.

Clear browser cache: Clear your browser's cache to eliminate any cached redirects that may interfere with testing.

Test on different devices: Check the redirect on various devices like desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones to ensure it functions correctly across different screen sizes.

Online Redirect Testing Tools:

Redirect Checker: Use online redirect-checking tools like or to analyze the redirect path and ensure it is working as expected.

Header Checkers: Tools like and can be used to check the HTTP headers and ensure the correct redirect status codes (e.g., 301, 302) are being returned.



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Troubleshooting Common Issues

Clear DNS cache: If the redirect is not working, clear your DNS cache to ensure you are accessing the latest DNS information. Instructions for clearing the DNS cache vary depending on your operating system.

Check redirect configuration: Double-check your domain registrar, web hosting service, or .htaccess file configurations to ensure the redirect settings are accurate.

Verify file permissions: If using a .htaccess file, ensure that the file has the correct permissions and is readable by the server.

Test the destination URL independently: Verify that the destination URL or domain you are redirecting to is accessible and functioning correctly. Ensure there are no issues on the destination server.

Check for typos or errors: Review your redirect settings, DNS records, or .htaccess code for any typographical errors, missing characters, or syntax mistakes that could affect the redirect.

Seek Technical Support: Consult with your domain registrar, web hosting provider, or technical support team if you are experiencing persistent issues or need assistance with the redirect configuration. Provide detailed information about the steps you have taken, the redirect method you are using, and any error messages encountered to help facilitate troubleshooting.

Regularly checking and testing your domain redirect ensures that visitors are directed to the correct destination. If issues arise, a systematic approach to troubleshooting can help identify and resolve the problem effectively.

SEO Considerations and Best Practices for Domain Redirection

Domain redirection can have a significant impact on SEO (Search Engine Optimization). It is crucial to take the necessary steps to reduce any negative effects and ensure a smooth transition.

Impact on SEO

Loss of rankings: Initially, there might be a temporary fluctuation in rankings as search engines adjust to the new domain. However, if the redirect is implemented correctly, the impact should be minimal and rankings will typically recover over time.

Backlink value: Backlinks pointing to the old domain may lose some of their value during a redirect. However, using a 301 permanent redirect passes most of the SEO value to the new domain.

User experience: A smooth and seamless redirect helps maintain a positive user experience, which indirectly contributes to SEO.

Best Practices for SEO Maintenance

Use 301 permanent redirects: Implement a 301 redirect from the old domain to the new domain. This tells search engines that the move is permanent and helps transfer SEO value.

Update internal links: Update internal links within your website to point to the new domain. This ensures a consistent user experience and helps search engines discover new content.

Update backlinks: Reach out to website owners linking to your old domain and request them to update the links to the new domain. This helps preserve the SEO value of the backlinks.

Update external listings: Update your domain information in external listings, directories, social media profiles, and other platforms where your website is mentioned.

Submit sitemap to search engines: Submit an updated sitemap to search engines, such as Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools, to ensure they crawl and index the new domain efficiently.

Monitor crawl errors: Keep an eye on crawl errors and fix any broken or inefficient redirects promptly. Redirect chains or loops can negatively impact SEO and user experience.

Update online marketing campaigns: If you have paid advertising campaigns, update the destination URLs to the new domain to maintain consistency and maximize campaign effectiveness.

Monitor traffic and rankings: Regularly monitor your website's traffic and rankings during and after the redirect to identify any issues and track the effectiveness of the redirect.

Conduct periodic checks: It's important to periodically check your redirects to ensure they are still functioning correctly. Use online redirect-checking tools or server logs to identify any broken or inefficient redirects.

Fix broken redirects: If you encounter broken redirects, promptly investigate and fix them to avoid negative impacts on SEO and user experience. Update the redirect rules or configurations as needed.

It's crucial to stay vigilant, monitor the website's performance, and address any issues promptly to maintain a strong SEO presence for your new domain.



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Remember, every click matters, so don't delay – redirect your domain now and pave the way for a stronger and more optimized online presence. Follow the step-by-step guide and best practices in this article to seamlessly redirect your domain while preserving user experience and SEO.

With practice and troubleshooting, you'll become more comfortable with the process. Remember to keep learning and improving your skills in domain redirection, as it is a valuable tool for managing and optimizing your online presence.

Frequently Asked Questions

I've set up a domain redirect, but it's not working. What could be the problem?

Common issues that can cause a domain redirect not to work as expected include incorrect configuration settings, typos or errors in the redirect code, caching issues, DNS propagation delays, or problems with the destination server. To troubleshoot, double-check your settings, clear your browser and DNS cache, and ensure the redirect is correctly implemented.

Can I redirect multiple domains at the same time?

Yes, it is possible to redirect multiple domains simultaneously. You can set up separate redirects for each domain, ensuring that each redirect points to the desired destination.

Can I reverse a domain redirect once it's been set up?

Yes, you can reverse a domain redirect by removing the redirect configuration and restoring the previous settings. If you used a 301 permanent redirect, it's important to update the redirect to point back to the original domain to avoid potential SEO and user experience issues.

How do I handle domain redirection for a mobile version of my site?

For mobile versions of your site, you can use responsive web design techniques to ensure that the content adjusts to different screen sizes automatically. This eliminates the need for separate domain redirection for mobile devices. However, if you have a specific reason to redirect the mobile version to a different domain, you can follow the same redirecting methods discussed in the article.

What online tools can assist with domain redirection and troubleshooting?

There are several online tools available to assist with domain redirection and troubleshooting. Some popular ones include redirect checkers (e.g.,,, header checkers (e.g.,,, and DNS lookup tools (e.g.,,

Is there any impact on the loading speed of my website due to domain redirection?

Domain redirection does not directly affect website loading speed. However, the destination server's performance or the redirect configuration's efficiency can indirectly affect the loading speed. It's important to choose a reliable hosting provider, optimize your website's performance, and ensure efficient redirect configurations to minimize any potential impact on loading speed.

How does domain redirection affect emails linked to the domain?

Domain redirection typically does not impact emails linked to the domain. Email services are often separate from the domain itself.

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