AdSense Alternatives

Written by Web Hosting Expert

AdSense Alternatives

Online advertising is a massive business that keeps on growing. It is estimated that the revenue from digital advertising will surpass $700 billion by 2025!

Of course, one of the giants of the industry is Google, with its Google Ads and AdSense. And it's no surprise, seeing as AdSense has over 2 million publishers and a revenue of over $146 billion.

But AdSense is far from the only choice for content creators today. There are a myriad of AdSense alternatives, and today we will go over some of them.

What Is Google AdSense and How Does It Work?

Google AdSense is the advertising program that Google offers, which you can use to monetize content like blogs, websites, online stores, etc., and make a profit from it. Other clients like companies pay Google to advertise their products and services through AdSense, and you as the content creator, blog, or website owner get a portion of that revenue when you display their ads on your blog, channel, website, etc.

What Is Google AdSense and How Does It Work

To make money through Google AdSense, your website has to be approved by Google first. However, this can be tricky as Google doesn't disclose its approval metrics, so you won't know what exactly you need. But if your site complies with the program's policies, you can apply. The only known requirement is that you must be over 18 to apply.

Google AdSense dashboard

You can arrange for adverts to display on your site once approved. You control which types of adverts run and where they display on the page. Companies that appear on your site, on the other hand, compete for the right to be there and choose websites and channels based on the content they display and the likelihood of getting clicks from the viewers.

Google Advertisement on YouTube

Why Use an AdSense Alternative? AdSense Disadvantages

Many digital marketers use more than one advertising platform to promote their products and services and diversify their marketing strategy and income. Also, some digital marketers prefer other programs to AdSense due to higher CPM rates, better features, etc. Here are some of the disadvantages that Google AdSense has:

  • Required metrics
    AdSense requires applicants to meet rigorous metrics that are not public, so if Google doesn't approve your application, you can apply to a more lenient program.
  • Revenue
    Google AdSense gives around 68% of the revenue to the publishers, and while this rate is quite high, you can get an even better one with other programs if you produce high-quality content and have steady traffic.
  • Limited ad customization
    Many alternative programs offer higher flexibility when it comes to customizing the ads that you will display regarding size, font, themes, etc. compared to AdSense.

What Are the Best Adsense Alternatives?

Here are the top ten best AdSense alternatives that are available today:


Is one of the most popular alternatives to AdSense, and it's a platform made by Yahoo and Bing, but these companies do not own it anymore. It is an invitation-based platform, so you need to be accepted to join it. It displays both text and video ads, and it matches the ad to the page's content where the ad is displayed so that the ad is relevant to the content. You can create custom ads on your own, or you can leave it up to to do this and figure out what works best for you.


It offers high-quality demand where publishers make higher profits from the relevant traffic.
It uses contextual ads which transfer a minimal amount of user information when the ad is delivered while the revenues of the publishers are the same.
It has its own Display to Search or D2S ad format that uses the CPC or Cost-per-click model.
It has one of the largest advertiser budgets.
It has exclusive demand from the Yahoo-Bing Network.

It only offers payments in U.S. dollars.
It only accepts publishers with traffic from top-tier countries like the US, Canada, UK, etc.
  • has a minimum payout of $100. It has over 500 000 websites as partners where it displays ads. has over 1300 employees. Around 62% of its users are mobile users, while 38% are desktop users. Publishers receive payments 30 days after the month ends. UI

2. Monumetric

With this program, you make profits by setting up the ad inventory you have available on your site. Then, the program helps you fill it with the highest CPM or cost per thousand offers. With Monumentric, you can easily avoid displaying ads from companies you don't like. Monumetric uses a cost-per-impression model rather than cost-per-click, which means you are paid when people view your ads rather than when they click them. It also displays high-quality and targeted ads that are relevant to the content of the page where they are displays


Offers its users managed ad services that help with ad setting up, tracking, managing, etc.
It supports numerous ad units like leaderboard, medium rectangle, half page, small display ads, collapsible display ads, rich media ads, native ads, etc.
It supports both the PPC or pay-per-click and the PPV or pay-per-view models.
It offers superior personal support where users can interact with dedicated representatives.

Users have to have at least 10 000 views per month to join the program.
It takes around three months for a single blog or site to be approved.
Payment is received 60 days after the month ends.
  • Monumetric keeps only 15 to 30% of the profits, and the rest of the profits go to the publishers. It has a minimum payout of $10 via PayPal or direct deposit. Pages with 80 000 views and lower have to pay a one-time setup fee of $99.

  • Website link:

Monumetric UI

3. PropellerAds

This program helps both new and old sites to earn money from ads. It is known for popunder ads, which are ads that load behind the currently opened browser window and show up when that window is closed. These ads are considered aggressive and not optimal for every site. However, PropellerAds offers other types of both targeted and non-targeted ads like native ads, banners, video ads, etc., for desktops. It is also mobile-friendly, and it offers notification-type ads


No minimum traffic requirement.
It has a wide range of payment options, including PayPal, ePayments, Skrill, WebMoney, etc.
It offers weekly payouts.

The revenue is lower for non-English sites.
It doesn't offer header bidding.
  • It has over 9000 live publishers and 200 to 500 employees. Around 14% of websites that use PropellerAds are in the entertainment industry, while over 11% are in the electronics and computers industry. It has a minimum payment threshold of $5.

  • Website link:

PropellerAds UI

4. Amazon Associates/Native Shopping Ads

Amazon Associates is the affiliate program of Amazon and one of the most popular ones as well. Here, you can insert an affiliate link to products you want to recommend in your content, and you can add this link to your promotional emails so that you monetize your email marketing. You can also use Amazon's Native Shopping Ads, a program that displays contextual ads. With this program, Amazon can display ads that are relevant to the content of your site or blog. When visitors click on the ads and buy a product, you get paid an affiliate commission


No specified minimum traffic requirement.
Wide range of advertisable products to choose from.
All ads are responsive and optimized for all devices.
It offers many payment options, like direct deposit, Amazon Gift Card, checks, etc.

Much more rigorous rules compared to other affiliate programs.
You get only get paid if someone makes a purchase.
Low affiliate commission.
Amazon Associates UI

5. Revcontent

Is a somewhat exclusive program that focuses on native ads. It is known to reject many publishers because it focuses more on quality than quantity, but it promises higher engagement rates for those who are accepted. It displays targeted ads that blend in on your page and are relevant to your content. It supports both the CPC and CPM models


Supports all languages.
High-quality content.
Advertisers pay a higher commission than other programs.
It offers a referral program.
It supports multiple payment options, like PayPal, wire transfer, ACH transfer, etc.
Has an excellent support team.

Traffic requirements are quite high.
Many publishers are rejected on average.
Small publishers cannot use this program.
  • It has a minimum traffic requirement of 50 000 visitors per month. It makes monthly payments. The minimum payout is $50. It has over 4 000 publishers. It employs anywhere from 50 to 200 people.

  • Website link:

Revcontent UI

6. Ezoic

Is a Google-certified program that uses A.I. or artificial intelligence to determine the best ad placement for websites. It has a wide range of tools that can help you maximize your revenue, including an ad layout tester, ad inventory, website speed calculator, etc. It is compatible with many other platforms and features, including Cloudflare CDN and WordPress.


User and beginner-friendly.
It offers superior security features.
Works alongside Google Ads to increase revenue potential.
It enables mobile websites to use Google Amp.
It enables publishers to filter earnings based on location, language, device, etc.
It offers multiple payment options like PayPal, Payoneer, wire transfers, direct deposits, etc.

Complicated setup process.
It requires a lot of work to reach the total revenue potential.
It displays a small ad at the bottom of the page if you don't pay for it.
  • The minimum payout is $20. The minimum traffic requirement is 10 000 views per month. A single user can create 100 ad units.

  • Website link:

Ezoic UI

7. Bidvertiser

It offers many different ad types, including display banners, popunders, sliders, smartlinks, etc. Its main distinction is that it offers a design for a bidding campaign so that advertisers can place bids on ad placements. Bidvertiser, as a publisher, auctions off your ad space to the highest bidder


No minimum traffic requirement.
It supports the PPC, CPM, and CPA models.
It supports all languages.
It has an automated approval process.
It's compatible with AdSense.
It offers multiple payment options like PayPal, Bitcoin, checks, bank wires, etc..

It doesn't match ads to content.
It offers low earnings for traffic outside of the U.S.
It has a complicated advertiser selection process.
  • It guarantees 100% coverage for desktop and mobile users. The minimum payout is $10 for PayPal, $100 for checks, and $500 for bank wires. It has over 9 000 publishers. It employs 11 to 50 people.
Bidvertiser UI

8. Infolinks

Is known for in-text advertising placement, and it offers a wide range of different types of ads, including InText, InFold, InScreen, InTag, and InFrame. These ad types allow you to choose from both aggressive and more subtle options. InfoLinks automatically matches advertising with relevant text snippets by searching for keywords in the body of your blog material. A relevant ad appears next to this specific text when a visitor holds the cursor over it.


No minimum traffic requirement.
No setup fees.
The approval process is quick.
It's compatible with AdSense.
It offers multiple payment options like PayPal, Western Union, Payoneer, eCheck, bank wire transfers, etc.

Low income for publishers with traffic from developing countries.
Some ad formats it offers are intrusive and mobile-responsive.
  • The minimum payout is $50 for every payment method except for bank wire transfer which is $100. The payout occurs every 45 days. The revenue share for publishers is 70%. It has over 8 000 publishers.
Infolinks UI

9. Sovrn // Commerce

Which was previously known as VigLink, monetizes your content by automatically inserting contextual advertising links into your content. The links you have on your site advertise the publishers that have the highest bid on the program. This program also helps you to automatically add affiliate links to existing products that you've already linked on your website. Sovrn supports the CPM model only


The ads are not intrusive.
It offers superior analytics tools to track your campaigns.
It's excellent for SEO.
No requirements for minimum traffic.
The ads come in different sizes.

The approval process is long.
Low earnings for traffic outside the U.S.
It only supports English
  • The minimal payout is $25. Payouts are made after 45 days. It has over 600 000 publishers. It employs from 51 to 200 people.

  • Website link:

Sovrn  Commerce UI

10. Taboola Native Advertising

Allows you to monetize your website by displaying article suggestions after your content. Taboola advertisements can be found on many news websites, and the program has partnered with major media companies. However, the articles are considered to be clickbait. So, if you don't mind this type of article, than this is a good choice for you. This program also allows you to display ads in a variety of formats, embed videos, control personalization options, and filter ads by keyword


It is highly customizable.
It has a high minimum payout.
It works with large and popular media companies.
It offers targeted ads.

The minimum traffic requirement is extremely high.
The articles that are advertised are considered clickbait.
  • The minimum traffic requirement is 500 000 views per month. The payout is done via Payoneer, and the minimum is $50.
Taboola Native Advertising UI

Aside from these ten alternatives, there are many others that are also available for digital marketers. Here is a list of 12 additional programs:

  1. Adversal – Is a self-serve program where publishers buy ads and decide on the ad's content and placement on their own.

  2. Mediavine – Is primarily used by lifestyle bloggers, which means that its main advertisers are from that industry.

  3. AdRecover– Is used to target visitors that have ad blockers installed.

  4. PopAds – Is a program that specializes in popunder ads, and it offers high flexibility and ad customization.

  5. Skimlinks – Is a program that specializes in affiliate marketing and scans the text of your content to find appropriate links to other sites.

  6. BuySellAds – Is a self-serve ad that is highly exclusive and best suited for high-traffic blogs.

  7. AdThrive - Is a program that offers a 75% payout to its publishers directly and has a large minimum traffic requirement of 100 000 views per month.

  8. Playwire – Is a program that has a minimum traffic requirement of 500 000 views per month and is best for high-traffic blogs.

  9. SHE Media –Is a program that is designed for women by women and targets female audiences exclusively.

  10. ylliX– Is a program with no traffic requirements, minimal payouts of $1, and is perfect for new publishers.

  11. RevenueHits – Is a program that has no minimum traffic and is best for PPA or pay-per-action campaigns.

  12. Setupad – Is a program that is best suited for bidding campaigns, and it has a minimum traffic requirement of 100 000 views per month.

The Bottom Line

So, as we can see, there are many AdSense alternatives that are great choices and have features that exceed the ones of Google's program. Also, many of these alternatives are tailored for small businesses, so if you are just starting out and need an AdSense equivalent for your small business, you can take your pick from the programs we've listed today.

Also, you can use many different advertising programs alongside AdSense and diversify your income stream. So, make sure not to settle on one and try out as many as you can before you find your perfect match or matches!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I promote my business?

Many find success with targeted Google and Facebook ads. Try and focus on a niche or local market to start off with.

Can I use WordPress hosting for an ecommerce site?

Yes, of course. In fact, the platform has some of the best online stores and a range of payment processor plugins on the market.

How customizable is my ecommerce store?

This depends on the eCommerce tool you use. For example, Magento is 100% customizable, and you can amend just about every aspect. Shopify on the other hand has far fewer customization options.

Can I migrate my store to Verpex?

Yes; these days, it’s a fairly straightforward process to migrate your store in full. Simply get in touch with one of our service agents and they can migrate the store for you.

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