WordPress Custom Login Page

Written by Graphic designer & WordPress developer

September 29, 2023
WordPress Custom Login Page

WordPress is a popular Content Management System with a dashboard back end with many tools and settings for web administrators. That’s why the WordPress dashboard is also known as the administration area. The content publishing process and website configuration are done in this WordPress administration area.

Users or website administrators need to log in first before they can create web content or configure WordPress website settings. WordPress provides a login page by default, by adding /wp-admin/ to the end of your URL, you can access the WordPress backend and log in.

WordPress Custom login page can be customized for many purposes and in this article, you will learn why you need to customize the WordPress login page and how to customize it with several methods.

What is WordPress Custom Login Page

By default, the WordPress login page appearance is typical with basic standard login fields, which you would access for the first time right after a new WordPress installation. It is quite simple and lacks the branding or design styling of your website.

A WordPress custom login page is needed in special cases or specific website requirements. It’s where a default WordPress login page is enhanced with a particular design style, improved with a safer security system, or some other further customization to make it better.

Why You Need to Customize WordPress Login Page

Better Branding & Personalization

After installation, WordPress's front-end appearance as a content management system is quite simple. You can use it as a ready-made platform to further customize and brand your website, as well as the login page. Sometimes a WordPress website doesn’t give access to the login page for general users but in other cases, this login page access is required.

Types of WordPress websites that provide login page access would be eCommerce or any type of membership website. Leaving a WordPress login page without proper design or branding consistency would be a bad idea. This is why customizing a WordPress login page will promote better branding and website personalization in general.

You can start it by replacing the WordPress logo with your company’s logo, and changing the style of the field forms and the submit buttons. More advanced customization could be changing the login page background and its position. The modification of this particular page will depend on your creativity to personalize it to stay consistent with your brand.

Adding Extra Information

The WordPress login page can also be used to add extra information for member users or new users. If you have an eCommerce WordPress, you can include promotional banners of new products or services or important notifications to make sure any web users of yours will not miss it while they’re logging in.

As the default WordPress login page is pretty simple, you can customize it with specific instructions or provide additional options for the users. It can be a registration link or buttons to log in using social media account for instance.

Giving options to users to log in using social media accounts from the WordPress login page will increase user engagement and provide better UX. It will be more practical for users as they don’t have to memorize different passwords for different websites.

Improving Web Security

Another reason for customizing the WordPress login page is to improve the website's security. Some methods can be done for this WordPress login page security and one of them is adding CAPTCHA. A website is shielded from bots and other automated malicious malware by this security tool. The CAPTCHA is simple for humans to complete but difficult for bots.

Some more examples or methods to improve web security on the WordPress login page are to limit login attempts, change the URL of the login page, and set up Two-factor Authentication. These actually can be done by installing WordPress plugins to ensure that your website is safe from spammers.

How to Customize WordPress Login Page

WordPress login page customization can be done in several ways and in this section, we will learn more about it.

1. CSS and PHP

On your website, the WordPress login page is similar to the other pages which are controlled by CSS and PHP. The web elements styling and colors on the login page such as the logo, form fields, and buttons can be modified using CSS. PHP hooks and filters are responsible for changing the functionality and layout modification of the WordPress login page.

There are specific CSS selectors that control the WordPress login page elements and use some of them to start styling the login page. You also need to add a custom CSS file and include it first at the head of your login page using PHP before it works. As for the login page functionalities modification, use the functions.php to do so.

2. WordPress Plugins

The easiest way to modify the WordPress login page is by using WordPress plugins. Web builder-based WordPress plugins often offer a custom login page form feature besides other types of WordPress forms. While some login page customizer plugins are more straightforward in functionalities and might provide better security options Here are some of our best plugin recommendations that you can try.

Essential Addons for Elementor

As a web builder addons for Elementor, Essential Addons give you great options to customize the WordPress login page. There is an option to hide all forms from logged-in users and redirect the form after login.

Essential Addons for Elementor

Include Google reCAPTCHA v2 and v3
Provide options to add form header image and logo
Include password visibility icon option
Options to configure the validation message

Social login (Google and Facebook) only available for the PRO version
Submitting the form via AJAX is enabled for the PRO version only.

Ultimate Member

The Ultimate Member plugin provides different types of forms and one of them is a Login Form. It’s a great plugin if your website requires a membership login. The integration to your WordPress editor uses a simple shortcode that you can insert using a WordPress shortcode block. There’s also an option to redirect the form after login.

Ultimate Member

The shortcode integration enables you to compose a nice layout for your WordPress login page as well as to add more information
Provide a secondary button if needed
Option to show Forgot Password link
Option to enable “Remember Me or Keep me signed in” check box

Lack of options for the form styling
No security options
No option to configure the validation message

User Registration

When you need a simple and quick configuration for your login page and that any users can register to your website, User Registration is most recommended. It is bundled with the User Registration form and by default, the login form shortcode is included in the My Account page. Just disable the default WordPress login page and next, you can configure the rest of it.

User Registration

Provide 5 pre-designed templates (Default, Bordered, Flat, Rounded, and Rounded Edge)
Google reCAPTCHA v2 and v3 also hCaptcha integration options
Shortcode integration for better login page layout composing
Settings to enable login title, AJAX login, Remember Me, and Lost Password
Options to configure the labels, placeholders, and validation message

Style Customizer extension with an upgrade plan is needed to stylize the form
Social Connect login and registration require an upgrade plan

Nextend Social Login and Register

The plugin allows visitors to log in and register on your website using their social media accounts (such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc.) which saves them from having to spend significant time filling out the standard registration form. The plugin integration uses a shortcode and widget.

Nextend Social Login and Register

New users don’t have to wait for validation emails or remember their login and password.
Every account can be accessed with or without a social account because social accounts are connected to a WordPress user account.
Define a custom redirect URL after the registration (upon each login or after each login) with any of the enabled social accounts.

The free version only lets you integrate Facebook, Google, and Twitter social login and register
More of the social buttons layout styles for logging in is only available for the PRO version
No security options or features
WooCommerce compatibility and other tool extensions would need a PRO version

Custom Login Page Customizer

You can customize your login page right from your WordPress Customizer with the Custom Login Customizer plugin. It’s pretty simple if you need to do quick customization for your login page. There’s a log-in order option where you can use only your Username only your Email Address or both.

Custom Login Page Customizer

Real-time customizing process for the login page background, logo, form, fields, and button
Options to disable/ enable registration link, lost password, Privacy policy, and ‘Back to Website’ link
Provide 3 predesigned templates
Provide options for custom CSS and JavaScript

No security options or features
The customization is limited based on the default WordPress login page
There’s no integration option with other extensions or third-party services

Login Designer

Similar to the previous plugin, you can customize your login page right from your WordPress Customizer. The login Designer plugin focuses on the appearance customization and the styling of the default login forms. There’s also an option where you can import and export Login Designer plugin settings.

Login Designer

Real-time customizing process for the login page background, logo, form, fields, and button.
Provides control options for the lost password, ‘Remember Me’ link, and ‘Back to Website’ link
Provide 3 predesigned templates and each of them can be customized
Options to modify the Login Error Messages
Google reCAPTCHA option

The customization is limited based on the default WordPress login page
Very limited integration option with other extensions or third-party services
Background slider, form animation, Google Fonts, and custom login page URL options only available in the PRO version


Still a login page customizer, the LoginPress WordPress plugin is rich in features for styling the login page. There are settings to set the session expiration, auto ‘Remember Me’, custom password fields, log-in order, and reset to default settings.


Pros and Cons of LoginPress


Instant process customization for the login page background, logo, form, fields, and submit button called: Button Beauty.
Options to customize Login Form and Forget Form
Options to modify and style Error Message for various login/ log out conditions, also Welcome Messages for Lost Password, Login Page, Registration, and on Log Out
There are options to modify the Form Footer that consist of Lost Password text, Back to Site text also LoginPress footer text.
Provide options for custom CSS and JavaScript
Log-in and log-out menu Add-Ons is included for free, as well as Register, Profile, and User menu.

Google reCAPTCHA option can only be enabled in the PRO version
Google font customization is only available in the PRO version
Include only one template or theme and the rest of it requires Premium plan unlock.
The customization is limited based on the default WordPress login page
Social Login, Login Redirects, Login Widget, Limit Login Attempts, Auto log in and Hide Login Add-Ons require an upgraded plan.


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The WordPress login page customization would able to make your website look more professional and reliable. Besides maintaining brand consistency, having a customized login page will improve the user’s familiarity with your website and feel safe inputting their login details.

As customizing the WordPress login page can also improve your website security, several configurations can be done for the login page to limit login attempts, installing Google reCAPTCHA and hiding the login access from public access if necessary. Select one of these WordPress plugin features when security is the main concern for your website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is WordPress free?

All you need to do to use WordPress is to invest in a web hosting plan since the software itself is free.

Why choose Verpex for WordPress?

As the leading CMS out there, we’ve made it our mission to offer the most comprehensive and streamlined WordPress solutions on the market. Backed by a responsive customer care team and reliable site enhancement tools, we ensure our users get the full WordPress value and support for a reasonable price.

Can WordPress be used for eCommerce?

WordPress offers many different ways to build an eCommerce online store for all types of products and markets. Almost 40 percent of all online shops are powered by WooCommerce, a WordPress eCommerce plugin.

How do I transfer my WordPress site for free?

There are many WordPress Migration plugins that are free, including WP Staging, Duplicator, All-in-One Migration, WPvivid Backup, Migrate Guru, and many more.



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