Responding to Reviews: A guide

Written by Web Hosting Expert

Reviewed by Technical Editor

Updated July 24, 2024
Responding to Reviews: A guide

Online reviews are the new jury that can decide how customers view your business.

Nearly 97% of consumers read reviews before engaging with local businesses, and almost half consider the number of reviews a critical factor.

The pandemic has made reviews even more important, with an increase of 1.31% of people reading them overall.

So, it's no surprise that businesses have grown quite dependent on reviews and try their best to keep them positive and respond well to the negative and neutral ones.

Why Are Reviews So Important?

In the digital world we live in today, reviews for businesses are like recommendations for students.

Reviews greatly impact customer buying choices, so having strategies to respond is key for engaging customers and managing reputation.

  • Influence of Reviews: Over 67% of customers rely on reviews to decide whether to purchase from a business.

  • Importance of Responding: Many businesses neglect to respond to reviews, missing an opportunity to engage directly with customers.

  • Changing Perceptions: A thoughtful response can potentially convert dissatisfied customers into returning ones.

  • Simple Acknowledgments: Even a basic "Thank you" can positively impact customer perception and business reputation.

  • Visibility and SEO: Responding with relevant keywords can enhance a business's visibility and search engine ranking.



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How to Respond to Positive Reviews

Thanking the customer

Thanking the customer shows appreciation for their visit, review, and sharing their experience.

A good and satisfactory response to positive reviews can be;

For example, if the customer mentioned that the food at your hotel is great, you should write something like

Thank you for your review! We've informed our chef about what you said, and he is absolutely happy! We hope to see you again soon!" or "Your positive review makes our staff feel valued and appreciated! Thank you for valuing us and our effort!" etc. Regardless of the context of the review, make sure to repeat the positive comment and make the user know that you've read the review and are grateful. Also, the response should be simple and short, three sentences at the most

Subtly promote new products or services

You can engage a satisfied customer further by using positive reviews, but make sure not to be annoying or pushy.

For example, you can respond with:

Hello (customer name)! Are you a member of our loyalty rewards program for customers? If not, you can become one now!" or "Visit our website now and get everything you need at a discount for our special holiday sale!

Using keywords

Including relevant keywords in positive reviews can make them more visible in search results when customers look up your business online.

Use terms related to your products, services, or industry, and remember to mention your business name in the response.

You can say something like this:

We appreciate you choosing Rae's Pizzeria! We are happy to hear that you like our Rae's Special of the Day!

To avoid coming across as excessive, keep your keyword usage to two per response.

Make the customer feel valuable

Customers write reviews to be heard and validated.

In your response, ensure the customer knows you appreciate their business, value their opinion, and will continue to meet their expectations.

You can write something like:

Hey (customer name), thank you for sharing your experience! We value your opinion and will strive to continue providing the quality experience you deserve!

Posts positive customer interactions on social media

This approach shows that your company values customer feedback, which can encourage new customers to explore your business after seeing positive reviews from existing ones.

Address the customer in your response

Using the customer's name or username in responses creates a sense of familiarity, personalizes the engagement, and shows you value their specific opinion and experience.

Encourage future engagement

Invite the customer to return or engage further with your business. This makes them feel welcome and valued, and it can increase customer loyalty.

For example, you can respond with:

Thank you for your wonderful review, [Customer Name]! We are thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your visit. We look forward to welcoming you back soon for another great experience!

Highlight unique selling points

Reiterate what makes your business special to reinforce the customer's positive experience and attract potential new customers who might read the review.

You can write something like:

Thank you for your kind words, [Customer Name]! We're glad you loved our unique blend of locally sourced ingredients. We pride ourselves on delivering a farm-to-table experience that's second to none!"

Invite to share on social media

Encourage satisfied customers to share their experience on their social media profiles. This can increase your business's reach and bring in new customers.

For instance, you might say:

Thank you for your fantastic review, [Customer Name]! We're delighted you had a great time. If you feel like sharing your experience on social media, don't forget to tag us. We love seeing our happy customers' posts!"

Ask for suggestions

Even when a review is positive, asking for suggestions shows that you are always looking to improve and value the customer's input.

Your response can be:

Thanks so much for your positive feedback, [Customer Name]! We're always looking to improve, so if you have any suggestions on how we can make your next visit even better, please let us know. We're here to make your experience exceptional!

How to Respond to Neutral Reviews?

Thanking the customer

Start your response by thanking the customer. Even if they aren't praising your business, their review contributes to your overall count, which many customers notice.

It's crucial to express gratitude for their time, acknowledge their feedback, and commit to improving the aspects they highlighted.

An example of a neutral review response is:

Thank you (customer name)! We appreciate your opinion and will work towards making the experience more enjoyable!

Focusing on the positive part of the review

Highlighting the positive aspects of a review can emphasize them to other readers and help downplay any negative comments.

An example:

Thank you (customer name) for your review! We are happy to hear that you are satisfied with our lunch service!

Provide an explanation or apology for the negative parts

Offer an explanation or apology for any negative comments to show you're not ignoring the issue.

Acknowledging the criticism demonstrates that you value constructive feedback and are committed to making improvements.

You can write something like:

We apologize for the inconvenience you experienced and will actively try to improve on it, so it doesn't happen again," or "Our stores open at 10 AM and not earlier because we get fresh supplies each morning that cannot be delivered earlier!

Invite them to try your products again

This approach might encourage a neutral customer to revisit and potentially have a better experience.

Invite them to return publicly or contact you via email or phone with suggestions for improvement.

For example, you can respond with:

We hope to do business with you again!" "We hope to see you again soon!

We appreciate your review (customer name). We are open to hearing any advice you might have on how we can improve the experience for the future. Feel free to contact us via phone call or email if you are interested in having a discussion!

Showcase upcoming improvements

If you are already working on improvements based on feedback, let the customer know. This demonstrates your commitment to enhancing the customer experience.

For example, you might say:

Thank you for your feedback, [Customer Name]. We are currently working on enhancing our service based on customer reviews and hope you'll notice the improvements on your next visit!

Mention relevant policies or procedures

Sometimes neutral reviews stem from misunderstandings. Clarifying your policies or procedures can help address concerns and manage future expectations.

Your response could be:

Thank you for your review, [Customer Name]. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Our policy is to [insert policy], and we will work on communicating this more clearly to our customers.

Offer a discount or incentive

Providing a small incentive can encourage the customer to give your business another chance and potentially convert their neutral experience into a positive one.

You can respond with:

Thank you for your feedback, [Customer Name]. We value your opinion and would love to make things right. Please enjoy a [discount/offer] on your next visit as a token of our appreciation.

Reassure about quality and consistency

Reaffirm your commitment to quality and consistency to reassure the customer that their feedback is taken seriously and that you strive for excellence.

You might say:

Thank you for your review, [Customer Name]. We aim to provide high-quality service consistently and will take your feedback into account to ensure we meet your expectations in the future.

Highlight customer service commitment

Emphasize your dedication to excellent customer service and encourage them to reach out directly if they have further concerns.

For example:

Thank you for your review, [Customer Name]. We are committed to providing excellent customer service and would love to address any concerns you may have. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us directly for further assistance.

How to Respond to Rating Only (No Text) Reviews?

Many websites allow users to post reviews with no text, and the customer can give the website a one to a five-star review.

Sometimes, it can be hard to figure out what the customer wants to say with the review, so here are three ways you can respond appropriately:

Positive no text review response

When responding to a positive review with no text but a four or five-star rating, address the customer directly.

Keep your response brief, expressing gratitude for the review and happiness that they had a good experience.

You can write something along the lines of:

Thank you (customer name) for your time and review! We hope to see you back again soon!"


Hello (customer name)! We are happy to hear you enjoyed your experience at (business name)! We hope to see you soon!"

Negative no text review response

When responding to a negative review with no text but a zero, one, or two-star rating, start by apologizing for any inconvenience.

Address them by name, thank them for their feedback, and offer a way to resolve the issue or discuss it in more detail.

You can write is:

Hello (customer name), we would like to apologize for any inconvenience you have experienced. Please, feel free to contact us at (phone number) so that we can make things better."

3-star no text review response

When responding to a neutral, three-star review with no text, it’s important to engage the customer further.

Invite them to reply or contact you directly, so you can learn what aspects of their experience they enjoyed and what could be improved.

For example, you can respond with:

Thank you (customer name) for your review! However, we at (business name) strive to provide five-star-worthy experiences! Therefore, we would kindly ask you to please get in touch with us at (phone number) so that we can figure out where we went wrong.

Review Websites for Businesses

Review websites are independent platforms where users can post reviews about businesses.

These sites are trusted by customers due to their perceived lack of bias.

Many people discover businesses through these platforms, making them essential for any company.

Consequently, businesses often monitor their reviews and presence on these sites closely.

This process, known as online reputation management, involves assessing, tracking, and influencing a company’s online reputation and credibility.

Yelp is one of the most popular review websites, with over 287 million accumulated customer reviews as of Q1 2024.

Other well-known review platforms include:

How to Respond to Google Reviews

Google is the largest review site on the Internet, with about 59% of people using it to read business reviews.

Given its extensive reach and the number of customers it attracts, responding appropriately to reviews on Google is crucial for businesses.

There are four steps you need to complete to start responding to Google reviews left for your business:

  • First, register or sign in to your Google Business Profile

  • Second, go to the three bars on the left-hand side and select the location relevant to your business

  • Third, go to and click the "Managed reviews" icon and search for the review you want to respond to

  • And finally, click the "View and reply" icon to write your response

Here are some examples of google review responses:

Google Reviews1
Google Reviews 2
Google Reviews 3
Google Reviews 4

How to Respond to Negative Reviews?

When responding to a negative review, it's crucial to remain friendly and non-confrontational.

Follow these steps to respond to a negative review:

  • Make sure you respond quickly

  • Acknowledge the customer's complaints

  • Apologize and provide understanding for the complaints

  • Take accountability

  • Explain why the negative experience happened if you can

  • Offer to discuss with the customer offline

For a detailed guide on how to respond to negative reviews, check out our full article here.

How Review Volume Affects Consumer Trust

Higher Credibility

A large number of reviews enhances the credibility of the business, suggesting a broad customer base and extensive experience.

Social Proof

Consumers perceive businesses with more reviews as more popular and reliable, reinforcing their decision to engage with the business.

Risk Mitigation

A higher volume of reviews can reduce perceived risk, as potential customers feel more confident that the feedback represents a wider range of experiences.

Balanced Perspective

With many reviews, customers are more likely to see a balanced range of opinions, helping them make more informed decisions.

Search Engine Ranking

More reviews can improve a business's search engine ranking, increasing visibility and attracting more potential customers.

Trust in Positive Feedback

When there are many positive reviews, consumers are more likely to trust that the business consistently delivers good service or products.

Handling Negative Reviews

A larger number of reviews can dilute the impact of a few negative ones, making them seem less significant in the overall assessment.

The Psychological Impact of Reviews on Potential Customers

Online reviews significantly influence potential customers' decisions.

Understanding the psychological impact can help you effectively manage your business’ reputation.

  • Validation: Seeing others have a positive experience validates their choice to engage with the business.

  • Perceived Safety: Good reviews reduce the perceived risk of a poor experience, encouraging customers to proceed with a purchase.

  • Anxiety Alleviation: Positive feedback alleviates anxiety about trying something new or unfamiliar.

  • Simplified Choices: Reviews provide quick insights, helping customers make decisions faster without extensive research.

  • Comparative Advantage: Higher ratings or more positive reviews can tip the scales in favor of one business over another.

  • Relatability: Detailed reviews that share personal stories can create an emotional connection, making the business more appealing.

  • Empathy: Customers feel understood when they see reviews that resonate with their own concerns or desires.

  • Reinforcement: Positive reviews reinforce a customer’s initial positive impression, increasing the likelihood of follow-through.

  • Selective Perception: Customers may focus more on positive reviews if they already have a favorable view of the business.

  • Credibility: A higher volume of positive reviews enhances a brand's credibility and perceived quality.

  • Reputation Management: Consistent positive reviews contribute to a strong, trustworthy brand image.



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Final Remarks

Responding to reviews on your business is essential for any company that wants to operate in this day and age successfully.

Customers often base their purchase decisions on reviews, so it's important to monitor your presence on review sites and address negative feedback.

In doing so, you demonstrate that you value your customers and are committed to improving your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I promote my business?

Many find success with targeted Google and Facebook ads. Try and focus on a niche or local market to start off with.

How does a web hosting business work?

The reseller hosting business uses a powerful hosting plan that is separated into smaller pieces and sold to several customers.

How do I deal with customer support queries?

Most new resellers will use support channels offered by the web hosting platform. Although customers can direct all queries to you personally, or your own customer service team, if you wish.

Is It easy to upgrade as my business grows?

Yes, most platforms that allow for reselling will have packages that can be easily upgraded to scale with your business growth.

How do you politely reply to a comment?

Greet the commenter by name, thank them for their feedback, and acknowledge their point. Provide a thoughtful, concise response, maintaining a positive and professional tone. Invite further discussion if appropriate, and end with a friendly sign-off.


"Hi [Name], thank you for your comment. We appreciate your feedback. Best regards, [Your Name/Company Name]."

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