How to Access cPanel from WHM

Written by Full-Stack Developer

March 21, 2025
How to Access cPanel from WHM

cPanel and Web Host Manager (WHM) are two tools that are often used together to manage web hosting. WHM is designed for server management and resellers.

It provides users the ability to manage multiple cPanel accounts, configure server setting and manage other server activities. It also allows users create new cPanel accounts, which can be resold to individuals or businesses who want to host and manage their own websites.

On the other hand, cPanel is a user-friendly interface designed to manage individual hosting accounts with each cPanel account being created and managed through WHM.

In other words, WHM is where cPanel accounts are created and managed, while cPanel acts like the "tenant " where the user can customize and maintain their own account as they like.

4 Steps to Access cPanel from WHM

To access cPanel from WHM, you must have the following:

  • A hosting account with administrative access or a reseller account. Administrative access provides full control over the hosting domain, while the reseller account allows you to manage clients' accounts with certain restrictions on some tools and features.
  • A cPanel account created via WHM, which gives you access to the cPanel interface.
    Now let’s explore the steps of accessing cPanel from WHM;

Step 1:

Log in to your WHM account, scroll through the interface and select the option "List accounts". You can also use the search bar on the WHM dashboard to search for " Accounts” to make searching faster.

WHM dashboard

List Accounts displays your servers accounts and allows you perform certain actions like;

  • Accessing cPanel

  • Changing account passwords

  • Editing and Deleting Account details

  • Suspending and Unsuspending Account, etc.

Step 2:

After selecting “List Accounts” Scroll through the list of accounts to find a specific domain or account you want to access, in this example, there is just one account listed in the record. You can see the account name listed as “” under the domain heading.

List Accounts

Step 3:

Next to the account’s domain name, you’ll see the cPanel Icon, click on the Icon to log directly into cPanel. This process doesn’t require any credential, it logs you into the cPanel account directly.

C Panel Icon

Step 4:

After clicking on the cPanel logo, you will be redirected to your cPanel account, your view should look like so;

C Panel account

In the cPanel account, you can perform numerous tasks related to website management, like setting up databases, manging files on your server, enabling or disabling SSH access (Secure Shell - which is a method for securing a computer when it's on an insecure network), and more.



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Benefits of Accessing cPanel from WHM

The benefits of accessing cPanel from WHM are;

Central Management: WHM allows you create different cPanel for each domain you host from a single interface. It allows you manage various clients or websites without having to create multiple accounts. Users can also check server information and status.

Dedicated Resources: You can access cPanel from WHM to adjust bandwidth, allocate disk space, and manage resource usage.

Security: Having separate cPanel is secure, it protects each domain in case of a security breach. Administrators can also monitor cPanel accounts from WHM ensuring misuse or vulnerabilities are addressed.

Customization: Users have the ability to customize hosting settings and personalize or brand each control panel based on their preferences.

What is cPanel?

cPanel is a control panel used by hosting providers and web developers. It offers a graphical interface and automation tools to manage and simplify web hosting conveniently.

cPanel allows users manage different aspects of their hosted websites, servers and resources efficiently.

What are the benefits of using cPanel?

cPanel has an intuitive interface that easy to navigate, with labelled features that enable users to perform tasks easily.

For example, installing features like Git (to maintain and track the history of files from multiple editors) is possible through the dashboard, making cPanel user-friendly. It also allows users to monitor website traffic and other vital statistics, which are essential for improving site performance.

Additionally, cPanel provides access to security tools such as firewall and anti-virus software to protect websites from malicious activities. Users can also manage email accounts, and integrate their website email with google mail and customize email settings including spam filters to meet specific requirements.

What is WHM?

A web host manager (WHM) is an administrative tool that allows hosting providers manage various severs and supervise customers account.

Every activity on a server can be tracked using WHM. For instance, you can monitor the current disk space to stay updated, and understand how the storage space is being used. Likewise, you can manage different services like emails, security configurations, and more.

WHM plays many roles in hosting, and one of its primary functions is managing cPanel accounts for clients or users. If you're an administrator or reseller, you need to access cPanel accounts from WHM to oversee them. Here are the steps to access a cPanel account via WHM

What are the benefits of a web host manager?

WHM allows you to create separate cPanel accounts for different sites, ensuring that each website is protected and managed separately. One of the benefits is that even if one domain is attacked or compromised, the other cPanel accounts would not be affected.

Also, administrators can monitor various activities and switch seamlessly between cPanel’s, and can adjust bandwidth and disk space for individuals accounts, allowing for efficient resource management.

Additionally, you can create cPanel accounts for reseller hosting allowing you to earn income from hosting services. If you want to start a reseller hosting business, you can customize the WHM interface by adding your business logo and customizing clients’ notifications to promote your brand. Your clients can also customize their cPanel interface to reflect their own brand.

Features of WHM

  • Ability to create, manage and delete cPanel accounts.

  • Ability to allocate resources such as disk space and bandwidth.

  • Ability to install SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificates.

  • Ability to configure server and manage DNS (Domain Name System).

  • Ability to monitor server performance.

Who uses WHM?

Hosting Providers: Hosting providers are businesses that offer web hosting services to their clients. WHM allows hosting providers to create and manage cPanel accounts for their customers.

Resellers: These are individuals or businesses that purchase hosting in bulk from a much larger hosting provider and then resell to their own clients. They also use WHM to manage clients’ accounts.

Verpex hosting offers resellers the ability to resell unlimited hosting packages to clients and start earning income. There are various reseller hosting plans such as start-up reseller which supports up to 15 cPanel accounts and is a great choice for developers who own or manage client websites.

Server or System Administrators: Dedicated server administrators use WHM to configure server setting and perform various administrative task like setting hosting accounts and securing hosting accounts.

Developers: Developers who manage websites for clients use WHM to handle multiple client hosting accounts.



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WHM and cPanel are tools that make it is easy to manage hosting accounts. WHM allows you can create cPanel accounts, and manage your server seamlessly.

This is also great for resellers who can create multiple cPanel accounts, allocate resources such as disk space and bandwidth to each account, and sell them to customers. Customers can then access their own accounts and manage their own websites.

The client management interface allows users manage, and maintain their hosting business and hosting clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is WHMCS and cPanel?

WHMCS is used to bill and automate hosting services, while cPanel is used to manage hosting accounts and website files. Both WHMCS and cPanel are widely used in the web hosting industry and are popular choices for managing web hosting services.

What is cPanel, and is it included?

cPanel is a web hosting control panel that simplifies website management. It’s included with all Verpex plans.

Can we host a website without cPanel?

Yes, you can host a website without cPanel.

Alternative control panels like Plesk, DirectAdmin, or Webmin can be used, or you can manage your server directly through the command line if you have the technical skills.

Does cPanel have its own customer support team?

Yes, you can submit tickets to the cPanel customer support team. Plus, you can ask for advice in the user forums.



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