Frontend Security: Securing Frontend Applications

Written by Full-Stack Developer

July 25, 2024
Frontend Security: Securing Frontend Applications

Any entity connected via networks or the internet is vulnerable and susceptible to malicious attacks.

The emphasis on security on the frontend of our web applications must be adhered to precisely because it’s not news that frontend applications can be under attack and malicious attackers are getting more creative these days.

Different types of attacks are targeted at the frontend of web applications, some attacks can be detected on time while others may be harder to detect only to be discovered when the damage is done already.

How can we ensure that the frontend of our web applications is secure?

We'll discuss the common attacks in this article and ways to secure the frontend of websites or applications eliminating or significantly reducing risk.

What is Frontend Security?

Frontend or client-side security involves securing websites and web applications on the client or user interface outlook. Individuals with access to smart devices and the internet rely on websites and applications to carry out different transactions daily, like, using a banking app or payment platform like PayPal for financial transactions or utilizing Gmail for correspondence, etc.

Websites and applications have become the bedrock of daily functions because they are convenient. Therefore, for the entire business of digital service providers, who have built trust or are just coming up, securing the frontend of a website or application is crucial to protect clients from attacks and data breaches.

When the frontend of an application is vulnerable, it becomes an entry point for attackers to manipulate the application using the client's web browser.

A frontend application can become susceptible if certain criteria are not followed e.g. transmitting data over insecure channels, omitting form validation, etc.

Here’s a list of reasons an application’s frontend may be vulnerable to malicious attacks.

  • Weak authentication or authorization methods
  • Poor error-handling techniques
  • Third-Party Software
  • Insecure HTTP
  • Form validation omission
  • Transmitting data over insecure channels.


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Significance of Frontend Security

Businesses and users on websites and web applications share personal identification information [PII] daily, therefore a crucial action that any business/company can embark on is to ensure that the frontend is well-guarded for reasons that include:

  • Mitigation of malicious threats
  • Prevention of client-side attacks
  • Client’s or User's Safety
  • Protection against data breaches
  • Protection of intellectual properties
  • Reputation and Trust
  • Regulatory Compliance

Frontend Security Attacks

Attacks and breaches occur on both the front and back end of websites and web applications. Let’s take a look at some common frontend security attacks so that we can familiarize ourselves with the techniques;


Clickjacking, also called UI redressing, is a technique that tricks users into clicking on involuntary elements on a web application. Clickjackers use iframes- which load or embed another HTML page within the document or parent page.

Framing attack is carried out by covering the content of a legitimate website with malicious content creating a frame that covers what the user sees. This tricks the user into believing they’re clicking on legitimate content.

Dependency Exploitation

Frameworks and third-party library software can be a means for malicious attacks. Vulnerability within a framework or library can cause security issues within the web application. It may be used as a means to disclose users' information, capture sensitive information, or compromise the entire web application.

SQL Injection

SQL injection attack involves manipulating an application's database queries (queries are used to retrieve or modify data).

It is considered a backend vulnerability, however, SQL injection is possible when there’s a vulnerability in the frontend. It occurs when attackers execute unintended code on a server by injecting malicious SQL commands into the database to gain access to sensitive data. The attacker exploits the vulnerability of input fields by injecting malicious SQL code which then changes the way the query behaves.

Attackers usually study the database to understand the structure and behavior; then they create an SQL query that the server interprets as a legitimate instruction.

SQL injection attacks manipulate or retrieve information from various database tables, using error-based injection, union-based injection, or inferential SQL injection techniques.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Cross-site scripting or XSS is an injection attack whereby malicious scripts are injected into web applications and executed by the client’s browser.

The malicious code infects the HTML document and uses the server as a path that directs the malicious code back to the client. The attack can be reflected (from a request) or persisted (through storage and retrieval)

The server in this case does not get infected by the malicious code, it is only executed via the client’s browser when the client visits the infected web page. This type of injection exploits the vulnerability of the user’s input when the malicious code is injected into the script of an application.

The browser believes the script is legitimate, and allows it to access cookie information, or other sensitive information stored in the browser like login credentials. It also redirects users to duplicated websites, etc.

Man-in-the-Middle Attack

Man-in-the-middle attack is carried out when an attacker hijacks and relays messages between two entities meanwhile the entities believe they are communicating with each other.

During this process, the attacker gains access to sensitive data like login credentials, account details, etc. For this to occur, the attacker installs a packet sniffer to detect unsecured network traffic.

When the user logs into the vulnerable website, the attacker directs the user to a website that resembles the original website and then collects all the user's data which will then be used to log in to the original website.

The attack can be carried out in different ways e.g. DNS spoofing, IP spoofing, cache poisoning, HTTP spoofing, etc.

Cross-Site Request Forgery

Also referred to as a one-click attack, the cross-site request forgery is a sort of malicious exploit of a website or web application where unauthorized commands are transmitted from a user that’s authenticated or trusted by the website. Examples of CSRF requests include; deleting an account or record, changing user password, purchasing a product, etc.

Cross-site request forgery attack aims to get the authenticated user to unintentionally submit a malicious request to the website or web application.

An example of such an attack is achieved when an attacker presents a link to the user, and when the link is clicked, it executes the malicious command. For example, the link could change the user's credentials preventing them from regaining access to the web application.

Security Misconfiguration Attacks

Security misconfiguration is a weakness in a system or application that takes place due to improper setup or negligence in maintaining robust security protocols or oversight in the configuration process which may lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, or other security exploits.

When a security setting is not set up correctly or outdated it leaves the application vulnerable and can lead to exploitation. This may be leaving default configurations without modification, irregular updates, outdated software versions, weak encryption, etc.

Security settings are the configuration options available in an application that affect its security position. These settings include access control, password policies, network configurations, and encryption protocols.

Best Practices for Securing Frontend Applications

Users are to enjoy a secure and safe digital experience. For this to occur, there are several practices necessary to secure the frontend of web applications, and they include;

Input Validation

Input validation is a security measure that must be implemented to prevent attacks like cross-site scripting, SQL injection, etc. Input validation ensures that the information provided by the user matches the criteria specified within an application.

It also ensures that data is cleansed by inspecting and filtering the users' data to remove or annul malicious content preventing attackers from injecting malicious scripts or payload into the web app.

Secure Communication

Implementing secure communication practices would ensure that data between client and server is secure.

Practices like the use of HTTPS to secure communication between client and server, SSL/TLS configuration to establish an encrypted link between client and server, and Content security policy to detect and mitigate different types of attacks, etc.

Authentication and Authorization

The implementation of strong and effective authentication and authorization mechanisms ensures that only authenticated and authorized users have access to the application and the rest of its resources.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

Cross-origin resource sharing is a security feature that restricts cross-origin requests. The cross-origin request involves making a request from one domain to another domain, from one sub-domain to another sub-domain, from a different port, or a different protocol (e.g. HTTP to HTTPS).

To implement CORS, the CORS header must be configured to specify which domain has access to the resources of the frontend application.

Dependency Vulnerability Scanning

Scanning dependencies using vulnerability scanners is a way to detect existing threats in third-party libraries. For instance, you can analyze and fix vulnerabilities in NPM or YARN packages using NPM audit or YARN audit and retire.js to check JavaScript libraries in an application.

Error Handling

Error handling is a process of detecting, reporting, and recovering from errors. Implementing error handling ensures that users receive feedback when an error occurs in the code.

Apart from the feedback users receive, handling errors effectively can prevent security breaches. Error messages should be displayed without revealing any sensitive information or code snippets, also, system errors should not be displayed to users.



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Security is very important as numerous data is being shared back and forth over a network. The front end of an application if left vulnerable can be a means for malicious attacks - hackers are constantly checking for loopholes that can be exploited to steal valuable and sensitive information and damage a business operation amongst many other reasons.

Following security measures doesn’t just protect the users/ clients that interact with the website or web application, it protects the entire website or application and its integrity as a whole.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the aim of cyber-attacks?

Cyber-attacks usually aim at military, government, enterprise, and other infrastructural assets of citizens, which can include computational infrastructure and physical infrastructure.

What’s at risk with a cyber-attack?

If a cyber attacker accesses your network, they can do damage on several things, such as manufacturing processes, expansions plans, product designs, your pricing structure, your company’s banking details, customer credit card information, and access to client lists.

Why is it important to stop bot attacks?

Stopping bot attacks is crucial to protect sensitive data, maintain website performance, and safeguard user trust. Bot attacks can lead to financial losses, reputation damage, and compromise the integrity of a website.

Can implementing a CAPTCHA system help in preventing CSRF attacks?

While CAPTCHA can add an extra layer of security, it is not a direct solution for CSRF prevention.



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