Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a threat to web applications. XSS attacks use code vulnerabilities to insert harmful scripts, risking user data, session hijacking, and webpage defacement.
To defend your web applications, you need a careful and proactive approach. This checklist is a straightforward guide to help you do just that, keeping your site safe from these tricky attacks.
Potential Impact of XSS Attacks
XSS attacks are widespread and continue to be a persistent concern for web developers and security professionals. As web applications become more complex and dynamic, the attack surface for XSS vulnerabilities expands.
The potential impact of XSS attacks is broad and can have severe consequences for both users and the targeted web application:
Data Theft: Attackers can exploit XSS vulnerabilities to steal sensitive user information, such as login credentials, personal details, or financial data.
Session Hijacking: XSS attacks can be leveraged to hijack user sessions, allowing unauthorized access to accounts and compromising the privacy and security of users.
Defacement: Malicious scripts injected through XSS can alter the appearance and content of web pages, leading to defacement and damage to the reputation of the affected website.
Malware Distribution: XSS can serve as a vector for the distribution of malware to unsuspecting users, leading to the compromise of their devices.
Phishing: Attackers may use XSS to launch phishing attacks, tricking users into providing sensitive information by presenting fake login forms or other deceptive content.
Understanding Cross-Site Scripting
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a security vulnerability that occurs when a web application allows an attacker to inject malicious scripts into web pages that are then viewed by other users.
This injection of scripts can lead to the execution of unauthorized code in the context of a user's browser, potentially compromising sensitive information or performing actions on behalf of the user without their consent.
Types of XSS Attacks
Reflected XSS
In a reflected XSS attack, the malicious script is embedded in a URL or a web form and is then reflected back to the user. The script is executed when the victim clicks on a specially crafted link or submits a form, and the injected code is included in the response.
Stored XSS
Stored XSS, also known as persistent XSS, occurs when the injected script is permanently stored on the target server. This could be in a database, in user comments, or in other user-generated content. The script is then served to users when they access the compromised page, leading to the execution of the malicious code.
DOM-based XSS
DOM-based XSS exploits vulnerabilities in the Document Object Model (DOM) of a web page. Instead of modifying the page content on the server, the attack manipulates the Document Object Model on the client side, resulting in the execution of malicious scripts. This type of XSS doesn't necessarily involve server communication, making it harder to detect.
How XSS Attacks are Carried Out
- XSS attacks typically begin with a web application that allows user input, such as in search boxes, comment forms, or user profiles.
- If the web application lacks proper input validation, attackers can insert malicious code into these input fields.
- The attacker injects scripts, usually written in JavaScript, into the input fields. These scripts can be stored in the application's database or executed directly in the user's browser.
- When a user interacts with the compromised page, the injected script is executed in their browser, often without their knowledge.
- The injected script runs in the context of the user's session, taking advantage of the trust that the website places in the user's browser.
- The malicious script can access sensitive information, such as session cookies, and send it to the attacker. It may also manipulate the content of the page, leading to defacement or unauthorized actions on behalf of the user.
XSS Prevention Basics

Input Validation
- Implement thorough input validation on both the client and server sides to ensure that data entering the system conforms to expected formats and values.
- Reject or sanitize input that does not meet specified criteria, preventing the execution of malicious scripts.
Output Encoding
- Encode user input before rendering it on web pages. HTML, JavaScript, and URL encoding are crucial to prevent the browser from interpreting user input as executable code.
- Use output encoding functions provided by your programming language or framework to convert special characters into their respective HTML entities.
Content Security Policy (CSP)
- Employ Content Security Policy headers to define and enforce a whitelist of trusted sources for scripts, styles, and other resources.
- Specify allowed sources for scripts, reducing the risk of unauthorized script execution.
HTTP-Only Cookies
- Set the HTTP-only flag on cookies to prevent them from being accessed through client-side scripts. This protects sensitive session information from being stolen via XSS attacks.
Secure Flag for Cookies
- Use the secure flag for cookies to ensure they are transmitted only over HTTPS connections, reducing the risk of interception by attackers.
X-XSS-Protection Header
- Enable the X-XSS-Protection header in your HTTP response to instruct browsers to activate their built-in XSS protection mechanisms.
Example: X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Frame Options Header
- Utilize the X-Frame-Options header to control whether your pages can be embedded into iframes, preventing clickjacking attacks.
Example: X-Frame-Options: DENY
HTTPS Implementation
- Ensure your entire application is served over HTTPS to secure data transmission and protect against Man-in-the-Middle attacks.
Importance of Secure Coding Practices
Secure coding practices are crucial for building robust and resilient software systems, and their importance cannot be overstated. Here are several key reasons why secure coding practices are essential:
Mitigating Security Vulnerabilities: Secure coding practices help identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities in the early stages of development. This proactive approach reduces the risk of exploitation by malicious actors.
Preventing Common Attacks: By following secure coding standards, developers can prevent common security threats such as SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF). These practices make it more challenging for attackers to compromise a system.
Protecting Sensitive Data: Secure coding ensures the protection of sensitive data, such as user credentials and personal information. Encryption, proper input validation, and secure storage mechanisms are integral components of safeguarding data.
Maintaining Trust and Reputation: Secure applications build trust among users and stakeholders. A breach in security can lead to a loss of trust, damage a company's reputation, and result in financial and legal consequences.
Compliance with Regulations: Many industries and regions have specific regulations and compliance standards related to data security and privacy. Adhering to secure coding practices helps organisations comply with these regulations and avoid penalties.
Reducing the Attack Surface: Secure coding involves minimizing the attack surface by removing unnecessary features and functionalities. This reduces the potential points of entry for attackers.
Enhancing Software Robustness: Secure code is often more robust and less prone to bugs and errors. This results in increased stability and reliability of software applications.
Early Detection and Remediation: Adopting secure coding practices facilitates the early detection of security issues through code reviews, static analysis, and other testing methods. Timely identification allows for prompt remediation.
Addressing Emerging Threats: The threat landscape is constantly evolving. Secure coding practices enable developers to stay informed about emerging threats and implement measures to address new security challenges.
Facilitating Collaboration: Secure coding practices contribute to code readability and maintainability. This facilitates collaboration among development teams and ensures that security measures are consistently applied.
Input Validation Strategies

Use Whitelisting
Employ a whitelist approach where you explicitly define the acceptable range of input values. This restricts user input to known, safe characters and formats. Whitelisting helps prevent the acceptance of potentially harmful input, reducing the risk of XSS attacks.
Sanitize Input
Implement input sanitization by removing or escaping potentially dangerous characters from user input. Use libraries or functions provided by your programming language or framework for sanitization to ensure consistent and effective results.
Validate on the Server Side
Always perform input validation on the server side, even if you have client-side validation in place. Client-side validation can be bypassed, so server-side validation is essential for security.
Reject Unnecessary Characters
Reject any input that includes unnecessary or unexpected characters. This includes special characters that might be used in XSS attacks, such as <, >, &, etc.
Implement Length Checks
Enforce maximum and minimum length limits for input fields to prevent buffer overflows and other potential security issues. Validate that the length of the input falls within the specified range.
Regular Expressions
Use regular expressions to define and validate the expected format of input data. Regular expressions provide a powerful tool for enforcing specific patterns, such as email addresses or phone numbers. Regular expressions help ensure that input adheres to a predefined structure, reducing the risk of malicious input.
Output Encoding and Escaping
Output encoding and escaping are fundamental practices in web development that aim to prevent security vulnerabilities, particularly those related to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks.
Output Encoding
Output encoding is the process of converting potentially harmful characters within user-generated content into their corresponding HTML entities.
The primary goal of output encoding is to ensure that user inputs containing special characters (such as <, >, &, etc.) are not treated as executable code by the browser.
Various programming languages provide functions or libraries for output encoding. Examples include htmlspecialchars in PHP, encodeURI and encodeURIComponent in JavaScript, and equivalent functions in other languages.
Example: If a user inputs <script>alert('Hello, XSS');</script>
, output encoding will convert it to <script>alert('Hello, XSS');</script>
, rendering it harmless when displayed on a webpage.
Escaping involves modifying special characters within user-generated content so that they lose their special meaning and are treated as plain text. Similar to output encoding, escaping prevents browsers from interpreting certain characters as part of executable code, reducing the risk of XSS attacks.
Escaping can be achieved using functions or libraries specific to the programming language being used. Common escaping techniques include using backslashes or special functions to neutralize the special meaning of characters.
Example: If a user inputs <script>alert('Hello, XSS');</script>
, escaping may convert it to <script>alert('Hello, XSS');</script>
or \u003Cscript\u003Ealert('Hello, XSS');\u003C/script\u003E
, depending on the escaping method used.
Importance of Escaping User Data
Prevents XSS Attacks: Escaping user data blocks the execution of malicious scripts, thwarting Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks.
Security Best Practice: It reduces the risk of injection attacks and contributes to the overall robustness of the application.
Protects User Input Integrity: Ensures that user inputs are displayed as intended, preserving the accuracy and reliability of user-provided information.
Compatibility Across Browsers: Consistent escaping guarantees uniform behaviour across different browsers, minimizing the risk of rendering discrepancies.
Maintains Trustworthiness: By preventing the execution of harmful scripts, escaping contributes to user trust and reinforces the credibility of displayed content.
Compliance with Security Standards: Adhering to security standards, such as OWASP guidelines, underscores the necessity of escaping user data to reduce security risks.
Prevents Data Corruption and Manipulation: Safeguards against unintended data manipulation or corruption, particularly when handling user-generated or externally sourced content.
Ease of Maintenance and Code Readability: Consistent use of escaping practices enhances code cleanliness, maintainability, and readability, signalling the implementation of proper security measures for handling user data.
Different Encoding Contexts and Techniques
Different encoding contexts exist in web development, each requiring specific encoding techniques to ensure the secure handling of data.
HTML Encoding
When rendering user-generated content within HTML, it is crucial to HTML-encode special characters to prevent XSS attacks. Use functions like htmlspecialchars in PHP, escape in JavaScript libraries like Handlebars, or similar methods in other programming languages to convert special characters to their corresponding HTML entities.
Input: <script>alert('XSS');</script>
Encoded Output: <script>alert('XSS');</script>
JavaScript Encoding
When including user-generated content within JavaScript code, it's essential to encode characters to prevent script execution. Utilize functions like JSON.stringify in JavaScript or similar methods in other languages to encode user data when embedding it in JavaScript.
Input: '); alert('XSS'); //
Encoded Output: \'); alert(\'XSS\'); //
URL Encoding
When appending user data to URLs, it's important to URL-encode special characters to ensure proper data transmission. Employ functions like encodeURIComponent in JavaScript, urlencode in PHP, or equivalent methods in other languages to encode user data for URL inclusion.
Input: [email protected]
Encoded Output:
CSS Encoding
When inserting user-generated content within CSS, it's necessary to encode characters to prevent CSS injection. Use functions like encodeURI or encodeURIComponent in JavaScript, or similar methods in other languages, to encode user data for CSS inclusion.
Input: color: red; background: url('malicious.png');
Encoded Output: color: red; background: url(\'malicious.png\');
Base64 Encoding
Base64 encoding is commonly used for encoding binary data, such as images, to be included in data URLs or transmitted in text-based formats. Employ language-specific functions like btoa in JavaScript or base64_encode in PHP to encode binary data as a Base64 string.
Input: Binary image data
Encoded Output: Base64-encoded string
Understanding the appropriate encoding context and applying the corresponding encoding techniques is crucial for preventing security vulnerabilities and ensuring the proper representation and transmission of user-generated content in web applications.
Implementing Content Security Policy (CSP)

Content Security Policy (CSP) is a security standard that helps protect websites against Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks by defining and enforcing a set of rules for the types of content that can be loaded and executed.
By setting up a Content Security Policy, you can mitigate the risks associated with XSS vulnerabilities and enhance the overall security of your web application.
How CSP Works
CSP works by allowing web developers to declare the specific sources from which content, such as scripts, styles, and images, can be loaded and executed on a web page.
This helps prevent unauthorized script execution and restricts the types of content that can be injected into a page. If a script is loaded from a source not specified in the CSP, it will not be executed, even if it is injected into the page.
Setting Up the CSP Header
- To implement CSP, you need to include the Content-Security-Policy HTTP header in your web server's responses.
Example: Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self';
- Specify allowed content sources for different types of resources, such as scripts, styles, images, fonts, and more.
Example: Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; script-src 'self'; style-src 'self';
- Use nonces or hashes to allow specific inline scripts or styles. Nonces are random values generated per request, while hashes are cryptographic representations of the allowed code.
Example: Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'nonce-abc123' 'strict-dynamic';
- Discourage the use of inline scripts by adopting the 'strict-dynamic' directive, which allows scripts from whitelisted sources but disallows inline scripts.
Example: Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self' 'strict-dynamic';
- Enable Content Security Policy reporting to receive reports about policy violations. This helps you identify and address potential issues.
Example: Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only: default-src 'self'; report-uri /csp-report-endpoint;
- Use the upgrade-insecure-requests directive to automatically upgrade insecure HTTP requests to secure HTTPS requests.
Example: Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests;
Leveraging Security Headers
X-XSS-Protection Header
When a web page is requested, the server includes the X-XSS-Protection header in the HTTP response, typically set as X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block. This header instructs the browser to activate its XSS filter, which detects and blocks certain types of malicious scripts.
If the browser identifies a potential XSS attack, it blocks the rendering of the page, providing an additional layer of defense against both reflected and stored XSS attacks. This proactive measure mitigates XSS risks by preventing the execution of malicious scripts and enhances the overall security of the web application.
X-Content-Type-Options Header
The X-Content-Type-Options header, often configured as X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff, plays a crucial role in preventing browsers from interpreting files as a MIME type other than what is specified in the Content-Type header.
This eliminates the risk of browsers misinterpreting files, reducing the potential for XSS attacks that exploit tricks involving varied content interpretation. By ensuring that browsers interpret files as intended, this header enhances overall security, particularly by minimizing the risk of XSS attacks stemming from confusion in MIME types.
Content Security Policy (CSP) Header
Provides a comprehensive approach to mitigating XSS risks by defining a policy that specifies which sources are allowed for different types of content. The Content-Security-Policy header specifies which domains are allowed to load resources, including scripts, styles, and images.
By defining a policy that restricts the execution of scripts to trusted sources, CSP prevents XSS attacks by limiting the potential sources of malicious scripts. This granular approach to controlling content origins effectively reduces the attack surface for XSS vulnerabilities.
Secure and HttpOnly Attributes for Cookies
Secure Attribute
The Secure attribute instructs the browser to send the cookie only if the request is being sent over HTTPS. This mitigates the risk of man-in-the-middle attacks where an attacker intercepts unencrypted HTTP traffic and attempts to steal the cookie.
For sensitive cookies, especially those related to user authentication, it is advisable to consistently use the Secure attribute.
When setting a cookie, include the Secure attribute in the Set-Cookie header:
Set-Cookie: sessionid=123; Secure
HttpOnly Attribute
The HttpOnly attribute, when applied to cookies, safeguards against client-side scripts accessing the cookie through the Document Object Model (DOM). This attribute ensures the cookie remains inaccessible via JavaScript, providing immunity against XSS attacks aiming to pilfer session cookies.
To prevent client-side script access, it is recommended to use HttpOnly consistently, particularly for session cookies and others holding sensitive information.
When setting a cookie, include the HttpOnly attribute in the Set-Cookie header:
Set-Cookie: sessionid=123; HttpOnly
By incorporating the Secure and HttpOnly attributes into cookie management practices, developers contribute significantly to the overall security of web applications, safeguarding user sessions and sensitive data from various security threats.
Importance of Regular Security Audits
Identifying Vulnerabilities: Security audits and penetration testing help identify vulnerabilities in a system or network infrastructure. By simulating real-world attack scenarios, organisations can discover weaknesses that might be exploited by malicious actors.
Risk Mitigation: By identifying vulnerabilities early on, organisations can proactively address and mitigate potential risks. This prevents the exploitation of vulnerabilities that could lead to data breaches, financial losses, or damage to the organisation's reputation.
Compliance Requirements: Many industries and regulatory bodies mandate regular security assessments to ensure compliance with specific security standards. Conducting audits and penetration tests helps organisations meet these requirements and avoid legal consequences.
Continuous Improvement: Security audits and penetration testing provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of existing security measures. Organisations can use the findings to iteratively improve their security posture, ensuring that defenses evolve to counter emerging threats.
Threat Simulation: Penetration testing involves simulating real-world cyberattacks to assess how well a system can withstand various threats. This simulation helps organisations understand their security strengths and weaknesses under different attack scenarios.
Protection of Sensitive Data: Security audits and penetration testing help safeguard sensitive data, such as customer information, intellectual property, and financial records. This is crucial for maintaining trust with clients and stakeholders.
XSS Vulnerability Testing Tools
Automated Scanning Tools: Use automated tools like OWASP ZAP, Burp Suite, or Acunetix to scan web applications for XSS vulnerabilities. These tools can identify common and known vulnerabilities quickly.
Manual Code Review: Conduct manual code reviews to identify potential XSS vulnerabilities in source code. This involves analyzing application code for insecure coding practices and validating input validation and output encoding.
Browser Developer Tools: Utilize browser developer tools (e.g., Chrome DevTools, Firefox Developer Tools) to inspect and debug web pages. This can help identify and understand potential XSS issues by observing how user input is processed and rendered.
Static Application Security Testing (SAST): SAST tools, such as Checkmarx or Fortify, analyze source code for security vulnerabilities, including XSS. These tools can identify issues early in the development lifecycle.
Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST): DAST tools, like OWASP ZAP or Invicti test web applications in their running state. They simulate real-world attacks and can uncover vulnerabilities that might not be apparent in the source code alone.
Staying Updated with Web Security Practices
Patch Vulnerabilities: Regularly updating software and dependencies ensures that known vulnerabilities are patched, reducing the risk of exploitation by attackers.
Enhance Security Features: Software updates often include improvements to security features and the implementation of new defense mechanisms, enhancing overall system security.
Stay Ahead of Exploits: Cybersecurity is an ever-evolving field, and updates help organisations stay ahead of emerging threats and exploits by incorporating the latest security measures.
Compliance Requirements: Adhering to industry standards and regulatory compliance often requires keeping software up-to-date to maintain a secure and trusted computing environment.
Bug Fixes: Updates not only address security vulnerabilities but also fix bugs and glitches, contributing to the stability and reliability of the software.
Vendor Support: Maintaining up-to-date software ensures continued vendor support. Running outdated software may result in limited or no support, leaving systems vulnerable to unaddressed security issues.
Joining Security Communities and Forums: Communities often contribute to the development of open-source tools and resources for security testing and mitigation. Access to such resources can be invaluable in strengthening web security.
XSS vulnerabilities remain a persistent threat with significant potential impacts on both users and organisations.. Implementing the strategies outlined in this guide reduces the risk of XSS attacks and fortifies web security defenses.
A proactive and vigilant stance against XSS and other security threats is key to building and maintaining a resilient web environment. Secure your applications today for a safer digital tomorrow.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I differentiate between XSS vulnerabilities and other types of web security vulnerabilities?
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities involve the injection of malicious scripts into web pages, whereas other vulnerabilities may include SQL injection, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), or security misconfigurations. XSS focuses on manipulating the client-side, compromising user interactions.
Are there specific programming languages or frameworks that are more susceptible to XSS attacks?
XSS vulnerabilities are not tied to specific languages or frameworks, but they often occur in dynamic web applications using languages like JavaScript, and frameworks like Angular or React. The susceptibility depends on how user input is handled and output is rendered in the application.
How do I educate my web development team about the risks and prevention of XSS?
Conduct regular training sessions covering XSS risks, prevention techniques, and secure coding practices. Provide real-world examples, use case studies, and involve team members in hands-on exercises to reinforce learning.
Can an XSS attack be used to steal sensitive data like passwords and credit card information?
Yes, XSS attacks can be used to steal sensitive data. Attackers inject malicious scripts that capture user input, such as login credentials or payment information, and send it to a third-party server controlled by the attacker.
What are the common signs or symptoms that a website has been compromised by an XSS attack?
Signs of an XSS compromise include unexpected pop-ups, defacement, unauthorized access to user accounts, unusual behaviour in web forms, or the appearance of unfamiliar scripts in web pages.
How do content management systems (CMS) like WordPress handle XSS prevention?
Is it necessary to implement XSS prevention on a website that doesn't handle sensitive user data?
Yes, implementing XSS prevention is crucial for all websites, regardless of the sensitivity of user data. XSS attacks can still compromise user experience, inject malicious content, and damage a website's reputation.
How does the use of AJAX and single-page applications (SPAs) affect XSS vulnerability and prevention?
AJAX and SPAs can introduce additional XSS risks as they dynamically update content. Properly validating and encoding data, implementing Content Security Policy (CSP), and using secure coding practices are essential to mitigate these risks.
Can XSS vulnerabilities be completely eliminated, or is ongoing vigilance required?
While it Is challenging to eliminate XSS vulnerabilities entirely, ongoing vigilance through regular security audits, testing, and staying informed about emerging threats helps minimize the risk.
What are the legal implications of a website being compromised due to an XSS attack?
Legal implications may include data breach penalties, user privacy violations, and potential lawsuits. Complying with data protection laws and promptly addressing security issues is crucial to mitigate legal risks.
How often should web applications be tested for XSS vulnerabilities?
Regular testing is essential. Conduct automated scans during development and use periodic manual testing, especially after significant code changes or updates, to ensure ongoing security.
Are there any specific certifications or training programs for learning about XSS and web security?
Certifications like Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), and training programs from platforms like OWASP offer valuable insights into XSS and web security.
How does the use of third-party scripts or plugins impact XSS vulnerabilities?
Third-party scripts or plugins can introduce XSS vulnerabilities if not carefully vetted. Ensure that external code adheres to security best practices, and regularly update scripts to benefit from security patches.
Can browser settings or extensions help in protecting users from XSS attacks?
Yes, browser settings, security extensions, and Content Security Policy (CSP) headers can help protect users by blocking or mitigating the impact of malicious scripts.
What is the role of a web application firewall (WAF) in preventing XSS attacks?
A WAF acts as a barrier between a web application and the internet, filtering malicious traffic and helping prevent XSS attacks by blocking known attack patterns and enforcing security policies.
How do I respond to and recover from an XSS attack if my website is compromised?
Respond promptly by isolating affected systems, removing malicious code, and notifying users. Improve security measures, conduct a thorough investigation, and implement lessons learned to prevent future incidents.
Are there any common false positives when testing for XSS vulnerabilities?
Automated tools may generate false positives, especially if the application uses unconventional coding practices. Manual verification is essential to confirm and address potential false positives.
How can I ensure that user-generated content on my website is free from XSS risks?
Implement strict input validation, output encoding, and content filtering for user-generated content. Regularly monitor and audit user inputs to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.
What is the difference between XSS and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks?
XSS involves injecting malicious scripts into web pages, while CSRF forces users to perform unintended actions without their consent. Both are security threats but target different aspects of web applications.
Can robust server-side security negate the need for XSS prevention measures on the client side?
No, both server-side and client-side measures are essential. Server-side security helps mitigate risks, but client-side defenses, such as input validation and output encoding, are crucial to prevent XSS attacks.
How do evolving web technologies and trends impact the strategies for XSS prevention?
Evolving technologies require adapting prevention strategies. New frameworks may introduce new risks, necessitating continuous education, testing, and the implementation of the latest security measures.
How can non-technical staff, like content creators, contribute to XSS prevention?
Non-technical staff can contribute by adhering to secure content creation practices, avoiding the use of unsafe scripts, and promptly reporting any suspicious activities or unexpected behaviour.
Are mobile web applications equally at risk of XSS attacks as desktop-based applications?
Yes, mobile web applications are equally susceptible to XSS attacks. Mobile-specific security measures, combined with standard XSS prevention techniques, are essential to secure mobile web applications.
What are the most recent advancements or research findings in the field of XSS prevention?
Stay updated through security blogs, research papers, and industry conferences to learn about the latest advancements in XSS prevention, including new attack vectors, detection methods, and mitigation techniques.

Yetunde Salami is a seasoned technical writer with expertise in the hosting industry. With 8 years of experience in the field, she has a deep understanding of complex technical concepts and the ability to communicate them clearly and concisely to a wide range of audiences. At Verpex Hosting, she is responsible for writing blog posts, knowledgebase articles, and other resources that help customers understand and use the company's products and services. When she is not writing, Yetunde is an avid reader of romance novels and enjoys fine dining.
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