Uncovering the Psychology Behind Why We Click on Ads

Written by Technology Writer

August 1, 2022
Uncovering the Psychology Behind Why We Click on Ads

Have you ever wondered why you click on some ads but not others? It seems like there are some ads that just catch your attention, and you can't help but to click on them. On the other hand, there are some ads that you completely ignore.

So, what is it about certain ads that makes us want to click on them?

Well, there's actually a scientific reason for that. And it all has to do with the psychology behind why you click on ads.

You see, when you're presented with an ad, your brain automatically starts trying to process all of the information that's in the ad. And this takes up a lot of mental energy. So, in order to save energy, your brain looks for shortcuts.

One of these shortcuts is called the principle of least effort. This principle basically says that you're more likely to do something if it requires less effort on your part.

So, how does this apply to ads?

Well, if an ad is able to quickly and easily grab your attention, then you're more likely to click on it because it requires less effort to mentally process.

Conversely, if an ad is confusing or difficult to understand, then you're less likely to click on it because your brain doesn't want to waste any energy trying to figure it out.

So, the next time you're wondering why you clicked on a particular ad, just remember that it's all thanks to the principle of least effort!

With this in mind, today you'll explore the psychology behind why you click on ads and what that means for how you approach advertising campaigns in the future.

What Makes an Ad Attractive?

What Makes an Ad Attractive

First, let's talk about what draws your attention to an ad in the first place. Studies have shown that you are more likely to notice an ad if it is relevant to you. For example, if you're looking for a new pair of shoes, ads for shoes are more likely to catch your eye than ads for other products.

In addition to being relevant and eye-catching, ads also need to be novel in order to really capture your attention. You are more likely to notice an ad if it's something new that you haven't seen before. And according to a study by the Journal of Advertising Research, you're also more likely to remember an ad if it's unexpected. So, if you want your ad campaign to be successful, make sure that it's relevant, eye-catching, and novel.

Likewise, you're also more likely to notice an ad if it is placed in a location where you are already looking. For example, if you're scrolling through your Facebook feed, you're more likely to see an ad that is placed in the middle of the page than an ad that is placed at the bottom.



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What Makes Us Click on Ads?

What Makes Us Click on Ads

Now that you know what makes us notice an ad, let's talk about what makes us actually click on it. When you're making a purchase, you usually go through a process known as the consumer decision journey. This journey consists of four stages:



You become aware of a need or want.



You research products that can meet that need or want.



You consider which product is the best option for us.



You make a purchase.

When you're looking at an ad, you usually fall into one of these stages. And according to Harvard Business Review, the stage that you're in will determine why you click on an ad.

For example, if you're in the awareness stage, you're more likely to click on an ad that is educational. You want to learn more about the product and how it can meet your needs. On the other hand, if you're in the research stage, you're more likely to click on an ad that is comparative. You want to see how this product stacks up against other similar products.

And finally, if you're in the consideration stage, you're more likely to click on an ad that is persuasive. You've already done your research and now you just need a little push to make a purchase.

But there are other aspects to clicking on ads as well.

Another thing that can make us want to click on an ad is if it tells us something you didn't know before. you're curious by nature, and you want to learn more about the things that you don't know. So, if an ad tells us something new, you're more likely to click on it.

Lastly, you're likely to click on an ad if it promises us a benefit. For example, if an ad promises us a discount on the product, you're more likely to click on it.

So, when you're creating your ad campaigns, make sure that you keep the consumer decision journey in mind. What stage are your target consumers in? What kind of ad will appeal to them at this stage?

Appealing to Emotions

Appealing to Emotions

Ads also need to be emotional in order to really resonate with us as human beings. A study by the Journal of Advertising Research found that you're more likely to engage with an ad if it evokes positive emotions like happiness, pride, or amusement. On the other hand, you're less likely to engage with an ad if it evokes negative emotions like anger, sadness, or fear.

So, if you want your ad campaign to be successful, make sure that it evokes positive emotions. And one way to do that is by using images of people smiling or laughing. According to WARC, video ads with images of people smiling are more likely to be clicked on than ads without people smiling.

Moreover, you're also more likely to click on an ad if it tells a story. Ads are more often engaged with if narrated like a story. And the reason for this is because stories help us to better understand and remember the information that they contain.

So, when you're creating your ad campaign, make sure that it has a strong emotional appeal. Use images of people smiling and try to tell a story. This will help your target consumers to better connect with your brand and your product.

What Does This Mean for Advertisers?

Now that you know what makes an ad attractive, you can use this information to create more effective advertising campaigns in the future.

First, you need to make sure that your ads are relevant to your audience. you need to think about what the audience is interested in and what they're looking for. Then, you can create ads that are tailored to their interests.

Second, you need to make sure that ads are placed in locations where they're likely to be seen. you need to consider where the audience is spending their time and make sure that ads are placed there.

Finally, you need to make sure that ads are visually appealing and tell the audience something new. You can use bright colors and interesting images to catch an audience's attention. And you can use the headline to tell them something new that they didn't know before.

How Does Ad Placement Affect Click-Through Rate?

How Does Ad Placement Affect Click-Through Rate

When it comes to ad placement, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. First, you need to make sure that your ad is placed in a location where it's likely to be seen. If your ad is placed on a website that gets a lot of traffic, then there's a good chance that people will see it.

Second, you need to make sure that your ad is placed near the top of the page. Studies have shown that people are more likely to click on an ad if it's near the top of the page.

Finally, you need to make sure that your ad is placed next to relevant content. For example, if you're selling shoes, you would want to place your ad on a website that talks about fashion. This way, people who are interested in the topic are more likely to see your ad.

How to Use Psychology When Developing Advertising Campaigns

Now that you know what makes an ad attractive, you can use this information to create more effective advertising campaigns in the future.

First, you need to make sure that your ads are relevant to your audience. you need to think about what your audience is interested in and what they're looking for. Then, you can create ads that are tailored to their interests.

Second, you need to make sure that your ads are placed in locations where they're likely to be seen. You need to consider where your audience is spending their time and make sure that your ads are placed there.

Finally, you need to make sure that your ads are visually appealing and tell us something new about the product or service. You can use bright colors and interesting images to catch your audience's attention. And you can use the headline to tell them something new that they didn't know before.



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How Will You Use This Information?

Creating a successful ad campaign is not an easy task. But if you keep the psychology behind why you click on ads in mind, you'll be one step ahead of the game. Remember to make your ads relevant and visually interesting. Appeal to your target consumers' emotions. And most importantly, tell a story. If you can do all of these things, then you'll be on your way to creating a successful ad campaign.

What do you think? Do you have any other tips for creating effective advertising campaigns? And remember, if you want to get a new website off the ground, you can always sign up for our web hosting services, to give your project a solid foundation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I promote my business?

Many find success with targeted Google and Facebook ads. Try and focus on a niche or local market to start off with.

How do I get more visitors on my forum?

To get more visitors on your forum, create posts for popular topics, mentioned the forum on all of the pages you have, allow guests to view the forums, enable guest posting, increase the popularity of your site, participate in your forum, and participate in related forums.

Can I use hosting for WordPress for an ecommerce site?

Yes, of course. In fact, the platform has some of the best online stores and a range of payment processor plugins on the market.

How do beginner blogs make money?

One of the most common ways that beginner blogs make money is through display advertisements and affiliate marketing.

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