MT4 VPS Hosting – Speed and Stability for Traders’ Success

Trade smarter with MT4 VPS Hosting, featuring dedicated server resources, seamless connectivity, and ultra-low latency for automated, uninterrupted trading.

Instant Order Execution
Zero Downtime Operations
TrustpilotTrustpilot Five Star Reviews
TrustScore 4.7 | 929 reviews
MT4 VPS Hosting – Speed and Stability for Traders’ Success

Select the Best MT4 VPS Hosting Plan for Optimal Trading

Not sure which plan to choose? Consult with our team and we will find the best option for you.

Not sure which plan to choose? Consult with our team and we will find the best option for you.

Not sure which plan to choose? Consult with our team and we will find the best option for you.

Linux Server-D2

Ideal for personal projects: 1 Dedicated CPU, 2GB RAM, 50GB NVMe Disk Space. Supports smooth, entry-level hosting.

Ideal for personal projects: 1 Dedicated CPU, 2GB RAM, 50GB NVMe Disk Space. Supports smooth, entry-level hosting.

Ideal for personal projects: 1 Dedicated CPU, 2GB RAM, 50GB NVMe Disk Space. Supports smooth, entry-level hosting.

Ideal for personal projects: 1 Dedicated CPU, 2GB RAM, 50GB NVMe Disk Space. Supports smooth, entry-level hosting.

Ideal for personal projects: 1 Dedicated CPU, 2GB RAM, 50GB NVMe Disk Space. Supports smooth, entry-level hosting.

$20.00Save 40% Save $20.00Save 50% $20.00Save 50% Save

$12.00 /mo /mo $10.00 /mo $10.00 /mo /mo

Renews at $20.00/mo Renews at /mo Renews at $20.00/mo Renews at $20.00/mo Renews at /mo

2GB Dedicated RAM

50GB Dedicated NVME Disk Space

1 Dedicated Xeon vCPU

Unlimited Traffic


Root Access

24/7 support

7 Day Money Back Guarantee

Linux Server-D4

Great for growing sites: 2 Dedicated CPUs, 4GB RAM, 80GB NVMe Disk Space. Enhances performance for expanding needs.

Great for growing sites: 2 Dedicated CPUs, 4GB RAM, 80GB NVMe Disk Space. Enhances performance for expanding needs.

Great for growing sites: 2 Dedicated CPUs, 4GB RAM, 80GB NVMe Disk Space. Enhances performance for expanding needs.

Great for growing sites: 2 Dedicated CPUs, 4GB RAM, 80GB NVMe Disk Space. Enhances performance for expanding needs.

Great for growing sites: 2 Dedicated CPUs, 4GB RAM, 80GB NVMe Disk Space. Enhances performance for expanding needs.

$30.00Save 40% $119.00Save 28% $30.00Save 50% $30.00Save 50% Save

$18.00 /mo $85.50 /mo $15.00 /mo $15.00 /mo /mo

Renews at $30.00/mo Renews at $114.00/mo Renews at $30.00/mo Renews at $30.00/mo Renews at /mo

4GB Dedicated RAM

80GB Dedicated NVME Disk Space

2 Dedicated Xeon vCPU's

Unlimited Traffic


Root Access

24/7 support

7 Day Money Back Guarantee


Linux Server-D8

Designed for businesses: 4 Dedicated CPUs, 8GB RAM, 160GB NVMe Disk Space. Supports higher traffic and larger sites efficiently.

Designed for businesses: 4 Dedicated CPUs, 8GB RAM, 160GB NVMe Disk Space. Supports higher traffic and larger sites efficiently.

Designed for businesses: 4 Dedicated CPUs, 8GB RAM, 160GB NVMe Disk Space. Supports higher traffic and larger sites efficiently.

Designed for businesses: 4 Dedicated CPUs, 8GB RAM, 160GB NVMe Disk Space. Supports higher traffic and larger sites efficiently.

Designed for businesses: 4 Dedicated CPUs, 8GB RAM, 160GB NVMe Disk Space. Supports higher traffic and larger sites efficiently.

$40.00Save 40% $119.00Save 28% $40.00Save 50% $40.00Save 50% Save

$24.00 /mo $85.50 /mo $20.00 /mo $20.00 /mo /mo

Renews at $40.00/mo Renews at $114.00/mo Renews at $40.00/mo Renews at $40.00/mo Renews at /mo

8GB Dedicated RAM

160GB Dedicated NVME Disk Space

4 Dedicated Xeon vCPU's

Unlimited Traffic


Root Access

24/7 support

7 Day Money Back Guarantee


Best for high-demand needs: 8 Dedicated CPUs, 16GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk Space. Delivers maximum performance.

Best for high-demand needs: 8 Dedicated CPUs, 16GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk Space. Delivers maximum performance.

Best for high-demand needs: 8 Dedicated CPUs, 16GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk Space. Delivers maximum performance.

Best for high-demand needs: 8 Dedicated CPUs, 16GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk Space. Delivers maximum performance.

Best for high-demand needs: 8 Dedicated CPUs, 16GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk Space. Delivers maximum performance.

$50.00Save 40% $119.00Save 28% $50.00Save 50% $50.00Save 50% Save

$30.00 /mo $85.50 /mo $25.00 /mo $25.00 /mo /mo

Renews at $50.00/mo Renews at $114.00/mo Renews at $50.00/mo Renews at $50.00/mo Renews at /mo

16GB Dedicated RAM

320GB Dedicated NVME Disk Space

8 Dedicated Xeon vCPU's

Unlimited Traffic


Root Access

24/7 support

7 Day Money Back Guarantee

Select the Best MT4 VPS Hosting Plan for Optimal Trading

Not sure which plan to choose? Consult with our team and we will find the best option for you.

Not sure which plan to choose? Consult with our team and we will find the best option for you.

Not sure which plan to choose? Consult with our team and we will find the best option for you.

Unmanaged Windows Server - D4

Ideal for small projects: 2 Dedicated CPUs, 4GB RAM, 80GB NVMe Disk Space. Reliable performance for entry-level hosting needs.

Ideal for small projects: 2 Dedicated CPUs, 4GB RAM, 80GB NVMe Disk Space. Reliable performance for entry-level hosting needs.

Ideal for small projects: 2 Dedicated CPUs, 4GB RAM, 80GB NVMe Disk Space. Reliable performance for entry-level hosting needs.

Ideal for small projects: 2 Dedicated CPUs, 4GB RAM, 80GB NVMe Disk Space. Reliable performance for entry-level hosting needs.

Ideal for small projects: 2 Dedicated CPUs, 4GB RAM, 80GB NVMe Disk Space. Reliable performance for entry-level hosting needs.

$30.00Save 40% $79.00Save 30% $30.00Save 50% $79.00Save $79.00Save

$18.00 /mo $55.50 /mo $15.00 /mo /mo /mo

Renews at $30.00/mo Renews at $74.00/mo Renews at $30.00/mo Renews at /mo Renews at /mo

2 CPU Cores

4GB Memory

80GB NVMe Storage

Unlimited Bandwidth

Windows 2022 OS

99.9% Uptime Guarantee

Root Access

24/7 support

7 Day Money Back Guarantee


Unmanaged Windows Server - D8

Suitable for growing sites: 4 Dedicated CPUs, 8GB RAM, 160GB NVMe Disk Space. Enhanced capability for expanding requirements.

Suitable for growing sites: 4 Dedicated CPUs, 8GB RAM, 160GB NVMe Disk Space. Enhanced capability for expanding requirements.

Suitable for growing sites: 4 Dedicated CPUs, 8GB RAM, 160GB NVMe Disk Space. Enhanced capability for expanding requirements.

Suitable for growing sites: 4 Dedicated CPUs, 8GB RAM, 160GB NVMe Disk Space. Enhanced capability for expanding requirements.

Suitable for growing sites: 4 Dedicated CPUs, 8GB RAM, 160GB NVMe Disk Space. Enhanced capability for expanding requirements.

$50.00Save 40% $79.00Save $50.00Save 50% $79.00Save $79.00Save

$30.00 /mo $55.50 /mo $25.00 /mo /mo /mo

Renews at $50.00/mo Renews at $74.00/mo Renews at $50.00/mo Renews at /mo Renews at /mo

4 CPU Cores

8GB Memory

160GB NVMe Storage

Unlimited Bandwidth

Windows 2022 OS

99.9% Uptime Guarantee

Root Access

24/7 support,7 Day Money Back Guarantee

Unmanaged Windows Server - D16

Designed for businesses: 8 Dedicated CPUs, 16GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk Space. Supports high traffic and larger operations efficiently.

Designed for businesses: 8 Dedicated CPUs, 16GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk Space. Supports high traffic and larger operations efficiently.

Designed for businesses: 8 Dedicated CPUs, 16GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk Space. Supports high traffic and larger operations efficiently.

Designed for businesses: 8 Dedicated CPUs, 16GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk Space. Supports high traffic and larger operations efficiently.

Designed for businesses: 8 Dedicated CPUs, 16GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk Space. Supports high traffic and larger operations efficiently.

$89.00Save 40% $79.00Save 30% $89.00Save 50% $79.00Save $79.00Save

$53.40 /mo $55.50 /mo $44.50 /mo /mo /mo

Renews at $89.00/mo Renews at $74.00/mo Renews at $89.00/mo Renews at /mo Renews at /mo

8 CPU Cores

16GB Memory

320GB NVMe Storage

Unlimited Bandwidth

Windows 2022 OS

99.9% Uptime Guarantee

Root Access

24/7 support,7 Day Money Back Guarantee

Select the Best MT4 VPS Hosting Plan for Optimal Trading

Not sure which plan to choose? Consult with our team and we will find the best option for you.

Not sure which plan to choose? Consult with our team and we will find the best option for you.

Not sure which plan to choose? Consult with our team and we will find the best option for you.

Managed Linux Server - D4

Ideal for entry-level projects: 2 Xeon vCPUs, 4GB RAM, 80GB NVMe Disk Space. Includes cPanel/WHM, ensuring smooth site management and security.

Ideal for entry-level projects: 2 Xeon vCPUs, 4GB RAM, 80GB NVMe Disk Space. Includes cPanel/WHM, ensuring smooth site management and security.

Ideal for entry-level projects: 2 Xeon vCPUs, 4GB RAM, 80GB NVMe Disk Space. Includes cPanel/WHM, ensuring smooth site management and security.

Ideal for entry-level projects: 2 Xeon vCPUs, 4GB RAM, 80GB NVMe Disk Space. Includes cPanel/WHM, ensuring smooth site management and security.

Ideal for entry-level projects: 2 Xeon vCPUs, 4GB RAM, 80GB NVMe Disk Space. Includes cPanel/WHM, ensuring smooth site management and security.

$38.90Save 40% $79.00Save 30% $38.90Save 50% $79.00Save $79.00Save

$23.34 /mo $55.50 /mo $19.50 /mo /mo /mo

Renews at $38.90/mo Renews at $74.00/mo Renews at $38.90/mo Renews at /mo Renews at /mo

4GB Dedicated RAM

80GB Dedicated NVME Disk Space

2 Dedicated Xeon vCPUs

Unlimited Traffic

Support cPanel/WHM

Free Daily Backups

24/7 support,7 Day Money Back Guarantee


Managed Linux Server - D8

Great for mid-level needs: 4 Xeon vCPUs, 8GB RAM, 160GB NVMe Disk Space. Supports multiple or high-traffic sites with cPanel/WHM for easy administration.

Great for mid-level needs: 4 Xeon vCPUs, 8GB RAM, 160GB NVMe Disk Space. Supports multiple or high-traffic sites with cPanel/WHM for easy administration.

Great for mid-level needs: 4 Xeon vCPUs, 8GB RAM, 160GB NVMe Disk Space. Supports multiple or high-traffic sites with cPanel/WHM for easy administration.

Great for mid-level needs: 4 Xeon vCPUs, 8GB RAM, 160GB NVMe Disk Space. Supports multiple or high-traffic sites with cPanel/WHM for easy administration.

Great for mid-level needs: 4 Xeon vCPUs, 8GB RAM, 160GB NVMe Disk Space. Supports multiple or high-traffic sites with cPanel/WHM for easy administration.

$69.00Save 40% $119.00Save 28% $69.00Save 50% Save Save

$41.40 /mo $85.50 /mo $34.50 /mo /mo /mo

Renews at $69.00/mo Renews at $114.00/mo Renews at $69.00/mo Renews at /mo Renews at /mo

8GB Dedicated RAM

160GB Dedicated NVME Disk Space

4x Dedicated Xeon vCPUs

Unlimited Traffic

Support cPanel/WHM

Free Daily Backups

24/7 support,7 Day Money Back Guarantee

Managed Linux Server-D16

Best for advanced demands: 8 Xeon vCPUs, 16GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk Space. with cPanel/WHM for comprehensive control.

Best for advanced demands: 8 Xeon vCPUs, 16GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk Space. with cPanel/WHM for comprehensive control.

Best for advanced demands: 8 Xeon vCPUs, 16GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk Space. with cPanel/WHM for comprehensive control.

Best for advanced demands: 8 Xeon vCPUs, 16GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk Space. with cPanel/WHM for comprehensive control.

Best for advanced demands: 8 Xeon vCPUs, 16GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk Space. with cPanel/WHM for comprehensive control.

$119.00Save 40% $189.00Save 31% $119.00Save 50% Save Save

$71.40 /mo $131.25 /mo $59.50 /mo /mo /mo

Renews at $119.00/mo Renews at $175.00/mo Renews at $119.00/mo Renews at /mo Renews at /mo

16GB Dedicated RAM

320GB Dedicated NVME Disk Space

8 Dedicated Xeon vCPUs

Unlimited Traffic

Support cPanel/WHM

Free Daily Backups

24/7 support,7 Day Money Back Guarantee

Select the Best MT4 VPS Hosting Plan for Optimal Trading

Not sure which plan to choose? Consult with our team and we will find the best option for you.

Not sure which plan to choose? Consult with our team and we will find the best option for you.

Not sure which plan to choose? Consult with our team and we will find the best option for you.

Managed Windows Server - D4

Perfect for startups: 2 Dedicated CPUs, 4GB RAM, 80GB NVMe Disk Space. Comes with Plesk control panel, ensuring easy management and security.

Perfect for startups: 2 Dedicated CPUs, 4GB RAM, 80GB NVMe Disk Space. Comes with Plesk control panel, ensuring easy management and security.

Perfect for startups: 2 Dedicated CPUs, 4GB RAM, 80GB NVMe Disk Space. Comes with Plesk control panel, ensuring easy management and security.

Perfect for startups: 2 Dedicated CPUs, 4GB RAM, 80GB NVMe Disk Space. Comes with Plesk control panel, ensuring easy management and security.

Perfect for startups: 2 Dedicated CPUs, 4GB RAM, 80GB NVMe Disk Space. Comes with Plesk control panel, ensuring easy management and security.

$49.00Save 40% Save $49.00Save 50% Save Save

$29.40 /mo /mo $24.50 /mo /mo /mo

Renews at $49.00/mo Renews at /mo Renews at $49.00/mo Renews at /mo Renews at /mo

2 Dedicated CPU Cores

4GB Memory

80GB NVME Storage

Unlimited Bandwidth

Windows 2022 OS

Plesk Control Panel

99.9% Uptime Guarantee

Free Daily Backups

Free Migrations

24/7 support,7 Day Money Back Guarantee


Managed Windows Server - D8

Ideal for growing businesses: 4 Dedicated CPUs, 8GB RAM, 160GB NVMe Disk Space. Includes Plesk for streamlined site management and enhanced performance.

Ideal for growing businesses: 4 Dedicated CPUs, 8GB RAM, 160GB NVMe Disk Space. Includes Plesk for streamlined site management and enhanced performance.

Ideal for growing businesses: 4 Dedicated CPUs, 8GB RAM, 160GB NVMe Disk Space. Includes Plesk for streamlined site management and enhanced performance.

Ideal for growing businesses: 4 Dedicated CPUs, 8GB RAM, 160GB NVMe Disk Space. Includes Plesk for streamlined site management and enhanced performance.

Ideal for growing businesses: 4 Dedicated CPUs, 8GB RAM, 160GB NVMe Disk Space. Includes Plesk for streamlined site management and enhanced performance.

$89.00Save 40% Save $89.00Save 50% $79.00Save $79.00Save

$53.40 /mo /mo $44.50 /mo /mo /mo

Renews at $89.00/mo Renews at /mo Renews at $89.00/mo Renews at /mo Renews at /mo

4 Dedicated CPU Cores

8GB Memory

160GB NVME Storage

Unlimited Bandwidth

Windows 2022 OS

Plesk Control Panel

99.9% Uptime Guarantee

Free Daily Backups

Free Migrations

24/7 support,7 Day Money Back Guarantee

Managed Windows Server - D16

Best for enterprises: 8 Dedicated CPUs, 16GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk Space. Offers Plesk control panel for advanced management capabilities.

Best for enterprises: 8 Dedicated CPUs, 16GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk Space. Offers Plesk control panel for advanced management capabilities.

Best for enterprises: 8 Dedicated CPUs, 16GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk Space. Offers Plesk control panel for advanced management capabilities.

Best for enterprises: 8 Dedicated CPUs, 16GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk Space. Offers Plesk control panel for advanced management capabilities.

Best for enterprises: 8 Dedicated CPUs, 16GB RAM, 320GB NVMe Disk Space. Offers Plesk control panel for advanced management capabilities.

$159.00Save 40% $79.00Save 30% $159.00Save 50% $79.00Save $79.00Save

$95.40 /mo $55.50 /mo $79.50 /mo /mo /mo

Renews at $159.00/mo Renews at $74.00/mo Renews at $159.00/mo Renews at /mo Renews at /mo

8 Dedicated CPU Cores

16GB Memory

320GB NVME Storage

Unlimited Bandwidth

Windows 2022 OS

Plesk Control Panel

99.9% Uptime Guarantee

Free Daily Backups

Free Migrations

24/7 support,7 Day Money Back Guarantee

Great online customer service and…

TZ ArtDesign

Feb 20, 2024

star star star star star
Highly recommended

Matt Wilson

Apr 19, 2022

star star star star star
So far so good and happy with the support service and speed

Sherissa R

Sep 20, 2022

star star star star star
Awesome experience!

Yoshio Casas

Feb 14, 2024

star star star star star
Optimized MT4 VPS Hosting Solutions

Optimized MT4 VPS Hosting Solutions

Reliable MT4 VPS Hosting: Tailored for seamless trading, offering swift execution, data protection, and high availability worldwide.

Peak Performance Drives

Peak Performance Drives

Leverage high-performance SSDs tailored for MT4, ensuring rapid data access.
Full RDP Access

Full RDP Access

Control your MT4 trading from any device, with secure Remote Desktop Protocol access.
MT4 VPS Hosting for Automated Trading by

MT4 VPS Hosting for Automated Trading by

With our MT4 VPS Hosting, you get high-speed connections, DDoS protection, and optimal server proximity, empowering your automated trading systems in real-time markets

  • Pro-Level Security: Anti-malware defenses shield trading assets
  • Unrestricted Customization: Configure your VPS to match your specs
  • Failover Support: High redundancy for non-stop MT4 availability

MT4 VPS Hosting Backed by Expert Help

Our MT4 VPS Hosting plans guarantee seamless 24/7 trading and connections, optimized performance, and secure environments tailored for MT4. Focus on your trading strategies while we handle technical maintenance, uptime, and security

Reach out to us 24/7 for any issues
Get Help Anytime
MT4 VPS Experts
99.9% Uptime Reliability
MT4 VPS Hosting Backed by Expert Help

Want to Upgrade to Our Cloud Servers?

Not sure whether you should use a virtual private server? Contact us. We will evaluate your project and offer you the most suitable solution.

We will carefully analyze your website and let you know if it’s better to upgrade to one of our dedicated servers to gain more space and bandwidth.

Our reliable virtual private servers enable you to enjoy more freedom and flexibility. Moreover, these servers provide easy scalability and extra security.

MT4 VPS Hosting: Fast Setup, Secure SSL, & Worry-Free Migration

Effortlessly migrate your trading setup with our MT4 VPS Hosting, designed for a smooth, secure transition that keeps your bots and strategies running without interruption.

Our service includes SSL encryption, providing an added layer of security to protect sensitive trading data and enhance trust. MT4 VPS Hosting offers ultra-low latency, global server locations near financial hubs for faster execution and scalable resources to grow with your trading demands.

Count on dedicated support, continuous backups, and reliable uptime to keep your trading environment optimized and secure.

MT4 VPS Hosting: Fast Setup, Secure SSL, & Worry-Free Migration

Why Verpex is the Best Choice for MT4 VPS Hosting

Scalable Performance

Scalable Performance

Adapt your MT4 VPS resources effortlessly to match trading intensity, ensuring consistent performance always.

Advanced Security Layers

Advanced Security Layers

Secure every trade with enhanced multi-layer protection, including anti-DDoS and advanced encryption options.

Continuous Availability

Continuous Availability

Experience reliable MT4 uptime around the clock, keeping your trades active even during surprise market peaks.

One-Click Setup

One-Click Setup

Get MT4 up and running instantly with one-click deployment, simplifying your VPS hosting process instantly.

Lightning-Fast Execution

Lightning-Fast Execution

Our MT4 VPS minimizes latency, executing orders with precision for faster market responses.

Data Safeguarding

Data Safeguarding

Back up your MT4 data automatically, with rapid recovery options to protect critical trading information.

Resource Optimization

Resource Optimization

Enjoy optimized memory and CPU for MT4, enabling fast and responsive trading on a lean setup.

Risk-Free Trial

Risk-Free Trial

Install and run macOS-exclusive software smoothly, designed to meet every Mac professional’s need.

The Small Print

*Our free domain is not included on a monthly billing cycle and applies to many common TLDs, including .com / .net / .org / .uk / .in , but excludes premium extensions. Contact us if you have a specific domain in mind.

*All license add-on purchases are final and non-refundable.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does MT4 VPS Hosting improve my trading speed and reliability?

MT4 VPS Hosting optimizes trading by reducing latency and downtime, enabling faster order execution and stable automated trading even during peak market hours. This setup is ideal for traders needing consistent, high-speed connectivity to reduce delays and maximize opportunities.

Can I customize my MT4 VPS setup to fit my trading strategies?

Yes, MT4 VPS Hosting provides flexible configuration options, allowing you to tailor the server setup, allocate resources, and install necessary applications to suit your trading requirements, ensuring an optimized environment for your unique strategies.

What measures does MT4 VPS Hosting take to secure my trading environment?

MT4 VPS Hosting includes advanced security protocols, such as anti-DDoS protection, SSL encryption, and frequent backups, all of which safeguard sensitive data and maintain the integrity of your trades against cyber threats.

Is MT4 VPS suitable for automated trading, and how does it support my Expert Advisors (EAs)?

Absolutely. MT4 VPS Hosting is designed for automated trading, providing constant uptime and reliable performance. This ensures that Expert Advisors can operate seamlessly, executing trades on your behalf without interruption.

How close are the MT4 VPS servers to major financial hubs?

MT4 VPS servers are strategically located near financial centers, minimizing latency for traders. This proximity to major trading hubs ensures rapid data transmission and faster execution times, crucial for real-time trading.

What should I do if I experience downtime or need technical support with my MT4 VPS?

Our 24/7 support team specializes in MT4 VPS, ready to assist with any issues, from connectivity troubleshooting to performance optimizations. You can reach out anytime to ensure your trading remains uninterrupted.

How is data backed up in MT4 VPS Hosting, and how quickly can it be recovered if needed?

MT4 VPS Hosting includes automatic backup features, with rapid recovery options in place. This allows you to restore trading data quickly if needed, protecting your setup and minimizing the impact of unexpected issues.

What’s the process to switch my existing MT4 setup to this VPS?

Migrating to MT4 VPS Hosting is seamless, with secure data transfer protocols to maintain your trading setup and minimize disruptions. Our team is available to guide you through the transition for a smooth experience.

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