When it comes to your online security, it’s important to be aware of what malware looks like. Some malware makes you get redirected to another site, some are meant to scam you or steal sensitive information, and some may even mess up your Internet browser, website or computer. In this article you’ll learn about the most common types of malware attacks.
What is malware?
Malware is any type of software that is programmed to cause problems on a computer, computer network or website. It is designed to:
- Leak sensitive information
- Gain access in order to get information
- Prevent users from getting access to information
- Interfere with server’s security protocols
Leak sensitive information
Malware is designed to leak sensitive information like your personal identification, banking or other things that you wouldn’t want other people to know.
Gain access in order to get information
Sometimes, malware can gain access to something on a computer server or even a website, in order to get specific information. This information could be used to even gain access to more servers.
Prevent users from getting access to information
There are some malware infections that are created to prevent the user from accessing information. An example of this is that if your website has malware that redirects you from the site or from where you want to go.
Interfere with server’s security protocols
Malware can certainly cause your server or website to have security problems, where it can infect the entire server or even pass a virus to the end user’s computer.
What happens in a worse case scenario of a malware attack?
If you’re wondering how bad a malware attack can be, well, depending on the type of attack and sometimes, how long the malware has been infecting the server, in a worst case scenario, the following could occur:
- All files on the server have become corrupted.
- If you’re running a mailing list or a content management system that contains registered users, it is more than likely they have received spam emails.
- Your end users’ accounts have been breached and their private information has been stolen.
Sounds pretty bad, right? The best bet to prevent a worst case scenario is to make sure your computer and all the software in it, are up-to-date. Additionally, make sure to do a regular virus scan.
What Are the Most Common Types of Malware Attacks?
So, now that you know the basic definition of what malware is and what it could potentially do, here are the most common types of malware attacks that you might want to keep an eye out for:
- Virus
- Worm
- Trojan
- Ransomware
- Adware
- Spyware
- Rootkit
- Banking malware
- Cryptojacking malware
- Backdoor
A virus is a type of malware that infects files on a computer and spreads itself to other computers via infected files, email attachments, and other means. Once a virus infects a computer, it can cause a range of problems, including slowing down the system, deleting files, and stealing sensitive information.
A worm is a type of Trojan virus that duplicates itself through a Local Area Connection (LAN) or Internet by exploiting weaknesses in software or computer operating systems. A worm is a little different from a virus, as a worm doesn’t need to breach a specific file or area in order to spread; it can settle and replicate on its own.
A Trojan is a type of malware that seems to look like a legitimate software program, but when installed, opens the way for a hacker or other malware to gain access to the infected computer. Trojans are often used to hijack personal information, like as password logins, and credit card numbers.
Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts the files on a computer or other device, which is programmed to demand payment in exchange for the decryption key. In demanding a payment, it is disrupting the user from being able to use the file properly.
Adware is a type of malware that displays unwanted advertisements on a computer or even website. Often, Adware is seen bundled with free software downloads, which can slow down the infected computer, and track the user's online behavior. This also means that the adware could show targeted ads to the end user.
Spyware is a type of malware designed to collect the user’s information. The user often isn’t aware of what is happening, nor has given consent. Spyware is programmed to track the user's online behavior, steal private information, and even slow down their computer.
A rootkit is a type of malware that masks itself and its activities from being detected by antivirus software and other security methods. Rootkits give attackers total control of an infected computer device, and are known to be very hard to detect or remove.
Banking malware
Banking malware or banker trojan is a type of malware that specifically targets sensitive bank information of users, such as login credentials and credit card numbers. Banking malware can often be associated with phishing threats. With a phishing attack, for example, the user receives an email that looks like a legitimate email from their bank, and the attacker is hoping that the user will be led to a place where they can collect financial information or login information.
Cryptojacking malware
Cryptojacking malware is designed to infiltrate and use the infected computer's resources to mine cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. Cryptojacking malware is known to slow down the infected computer, while causing a lot of stress on its components. This is because the actual mining process uses a lot of computer resources.
A backdoor is a type of very hard to detect malware that covertly gives an attacker remote access to an infected computer. Backdoors are often a part of a hidden area of a program, and used to install other types of malware, like spyware or rootkits.
In Summary
Hopefully this article on the most common types of malware attacks will help you spot and recognize malware in order to avoid it. In the case your website is infected, clean the infection. The sooner you catch it, the better you prevent the malware infection from becoming worse. Stay vigilant!
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Frequently Asked Questions
Is SSL certificate included in your hosting plans?
Sure, each of our packages comes with the ability to install a free SSL certificate on your website right away.
When a person visits my website for the first time, they are getting the message website is not secure, what can I do to ensure that they are visiting a secure and trusted website?
You need to install an SSL certificate on your website to have a secure website. The steps on how to install SSL on your website is stated below https://kb.verpex.com/docs/ssl-certificates
Is managed hosting secure?
Managed hosting providers secure and handle the information and data of their customers with great sensitivity, and security is one of the benefits of a managed hosting service.
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Anyone looking to make use of our top-end packages and server subscriptions will be happy to know that we can deploy to basically anywhere around the world. In fact, we deploy to over 12 global locations.

Nile Flores is a long time professional blogger, as well as WordPress website designer and developer from the St. Louis Metro East. Nile blogs at NileFlores.com, where she’s passionate about helping website owners, whether they’re small business owners or bloggers. She teaches about Blogging, Social Media, Search Engine Optimization, Website Design, and WordPress. Additionally, Nile loves to speak at WordCamps (WordPress conferences) across the United States. When Nile isn’t knee-deep in coding, she’s a proud mom of a college student, and enjoys oil painting, cigar smoking, nail art design, and practicing traditional Okinawan kempo karate.
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