How to Set Up Recurring Payments in WooCommerce

Written by WordPress Expert

July 28, 2024
How to Set Up Recurring Payments in WooCommerce

Ever considered setting up recurring payments for your store? They’ve been becoming popular, so much so that LMS (Learning Management System), which is a type of recurring subscription business, was valued more than $16 billion back in late 2022, and is expected to be valued over $47 billion by 2030. This could potentially bring in some passive income your way. In this article you’ll learn the pros and cons of offering recurring payments, as well as how to set up recurring payments in WooCommerce.

What Are Recurring Payments?

Recurring payments have become a useful feature in e-commerce, revolutionizing the way businesses and consumers interact financially. In essence, recurring payments, also known as subscription payments or automatic payments, are transactions that happen regularly, typically on a predetermined schedule, without the need for manual intervention from the consumer. These transactions are often used for services like subscriptions to streaming platforms, software licenses, gym memberships, utility bills, and more.

The mechanism behind recurring payments is relatively straightforward: consumers authorize a business or service provider to charge their chosen payment method (credit card, bank account, etc.) at regular intervals for the provision of a service or product. Once authorized, the payments occur automatically, usually on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis, until the consumer cancels the subscription or service.



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Pros and Cons of Offering Recurring Payments

Before going full speed into implementing recurring payments in WooCommerce, it’s important to know the pros and cons.


Predictable Revenue Stream
Enhanced Customer Retention
Improved Cash Flow
Cost Efficiency

Customer Churn
Payment Disputes and Chargebacks
Compliance and Security Risks
Customer Preferences and Flexibility
Revenue Volatility

Pros of Offering Recurring Payments

If you’re wanting to offering recurring payments, here’s some advantages to it:

Predictable Revenue Streams

For businesses, recurring payments offer a predictable and stable source of revenue. Rather than relying solely on one-time purchases, they can establish a steady income stream, facilitating better financial planning and forecasting. This predictability is particularly beneficial for subscription-based businesses, as it allows for better long-term strategizing and investment.

Enhanced Customer Retention

Recurring payments encourage customer loyalty and retention. Once a consumer subscribes to a service and sets up automatic payments, they are less likely to switch to a competitor. And the kicker is, that if your services are really good, one stat says that 59% of customers will likely stay with you!

This is because the convenience of automatic billing reduces the friction associated with the renewal process. Additionally, customers who have recurring payments set up are more likely to continue using the service, as they perceive it as part of their routine expenses.

Improved Cash Flow

Businesses benefit from improved cash flow management with recurring payments, and depending on the product or service, it could generate passive income. Instead of waiting for sporadic sales or invoicing cycles, they receive regular payments at consistent intervals. This allows for better budgeting, timely bill payments, and the ability to invest in growth opportunities without being constrained by cash flow fluctuations.

Cost Efficiency

Automating payments reduces the administrative overhead associated with manual billing and invoicing processes. Businesses save time and resources by streamlining payment collection, reconciliation, and customer support related to billing inquiries. Additionally, the risk of late payments or non-payment is minimized, reducing the need for debt collection efforts.


Recurring payments support business scalability by facilitating incremental revenue growth without proportionate increases in operational costs. As the customer base expands, the revenue generated from recurring subscriptions accumulates, providing the financial foundation for scaling operations, investing in product development, and expanding market reach.

Cons of Offering Recurring Payments

Customer Churn

While recurring payments promote customer retention, they also present the risk of customer churn if the service fails to meet expectations or if competitors offer more compelling alternatives. If customers perceive the value of the subscription to be lower than the cost, they may cancel their recurring payments, leading to revenue loss and reduced profitability.

Payment Disputes and Chargebacks

Automatic billing increases the likelihood of payment disputes and chargebacks, particularly in cases where customers forget about recurring charges or dispute the quality of the service. Chargebacks can incur additional fees and administrative burdens for businesses, and excessive chargebacks can damage their reputation and merchant account status.

Compliance and Security Risks

Managing recurring payments requires strict adherence to regulatory compliance standards, such as PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), to ensure the security of customer payment data. Non-compliance can result in hefty fines, legal consequences, and reputational damage. Moreover, storing sensitive payment information increases the risk of data breaches and cyberattacks, posing a threat to both businesses and customers.

Customer Preferences and Flexibility

Some consumers prefer the flexibility of opting for one-time purchases rather than committing to recurring subscriptions. Offering only subscription-based services may alienate these customers and limit the potential market reach. Businesses need to provide alternative payment options and subscription tiers to accommodate varying customer preferences and purchasing behaviors.

Revenue Volatility

While recurring payments provide predictable revenue streams in the long run, they can also lead to revenue volatility if there is a sudden increase in customer churn or a decline in new subscriptions. Businesses heavily reliant on recurring revenue may face financial instability during economic downturns or periods of market disruption, highlighting the importance of diversifying revenue streams.

Recurring payments offer numerous benefits for businesses, including predictable revenue streams, enhanced customer retention, improved cash flow, cost efficiency, and scalability. However, they also present challenges such as customer churn, payment disputes, compliance risks, and revenue volatility. To maximize the advantages of recurring payments while mitigating the associated risks, businesses must prioritize customer satisfaction, invest in robust payment infrastructure and security measures, and maintain flexibility in their pricing and subscription models.

How to Set Up Recurring Payments in WooCommerce

Setting up recurring payments in WooCommerce requires the use of a suitable plugin, as WooCommerce itself doesn't natively support recurring payments. One of the most popular plugins for enabling recurring payments in WooCommerce is WooCommerce Subscriptions. For this article, you’ll need to have already installed, activated, and configured WooCommerce.

You will also need to purchase the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin. While the plugin does cost $279/year, it’s a great investment that handles everything so you can accept recurring payments.

Here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up recurring payments using WooCommerce Subscriptions:

  1. Install and Activate WooCommerce Subscriptions Plugin
  2. Set Up Your Products for Subscriptions
  3. Configure Global Subscription Settings
  4. Configure Payment Gateway Settings
  5. Test the Subscription Process
  6. Manage Subscriptions

Install and Activate WooCommerce Subscriptions Plugin

You will have to download the plugin from to complete this step.

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to "Plugins" > "Add New."
  3. Click on the Upload plugin button at the top
  4. Choose your WooCommerce Subscription zip file, and then click the Install button.
  5. Activate the plugin.

Set Up Your Products for Subscriptions

Set Up Your Products for Subscriptions
  1. Go to "Products" > "Add New" to create a new product or edit an existing one.
  2. Scroll down to the "Product Data" section.
  3. Under the "General" tab, set the product price.
  4. Select the checkbox labeled "Subscription."
  5. Configure subscription details such as billing interval, trial period, and sign-up fee.
  6. Save or update the product.

Configure Global Subscription Settings

  1. In your WordPress admin dashboard, go to "WooCommerce" > "Settings."
  2. Click on the "Subscriptions" tab.
  3. Configure settings related to subscription renewal, payment retry, and expiration.
  4. Adjust other settings as needed, such as email notifications and subscription management.
  5. Save changes.

Configure Payment Gateway Settings

  1. Navigate to "WooCommerce" > "Settings."
  2. Click on the "Payments" tab.
  3. Configure your preferred payment gateway settings (e.g., PayPal, Stripe) for recurring payments.
  4. Ensure that the selected payment gateway supports recurring payments.
  5. Save changes.

Test the Subscription Process

  1. Go to your WooCommerce store's frontend.
  2. Add a subscription product to the cart.
  3. Proceed to checkout.
  4. Complete the checkout process, providing necessary billing and payment information.
  5. Verify that the subscription is set up correctly and that the initial payment is processed.
  6. Monitor subsequent billing cycles to ensure that recurring payments are processed as expected.

Manage Subscriptions

Manage Subscriptions

To view and manage subscriptions, go to "WooCommerce" > "Subscriptions."

Here, you can see a list of active subscriptions, including details such as renewal dates and status. You can manually edit subscription details, such as billing intervals and prices, as needed. Additionally, you can monitor subscription-related reports and analytics to gain insights into subscription performance and customer behavior.



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In Summary

Hopefully the steps in this article have helped you successfully set up recurring payments in WooCommerce using the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin. This method allows you to offer subscription-based products and services, providing your customers with the convenience of automatic recurring billing while generating a steady stream of revenue for your business.

Just make sure to know that you may need to provide some customer support to assist with any subscription-related inquiries or issues. When you do offer support, make sure your communication is clear about subscription terms, billing cycles, and cancellation procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions

What payment options are available for customers on my Verpex-hosted eCommerce site?

The payment options are available for your customers depend on the eCommerce platform and payment gateways you integrate with your Verpex-hosted online store. Most platforms support popular payment methods, such as credit cards, PayPal, and more.

Are there any specific security protocols for Opencart payment gateways on Verpex hosting?

Yes, we implement stringent security protocols for payment gateways in Opencart stores. This includes enhanced encryption and compliance with industry standards to ensure secure transactions and protect sensitive customer data.

For a secure and reliable hosting experience tailored for Opencart, check out our OpenСart hosting plans.

Is it necessary for businesses to offer both traditional and crypto payment options?

Offering both traditional and crypto payment options provides flexibility for customers. It caters to a broader audience and allows businesses to adapt to varying customer preferences.

How long does It take to set up a WooCommerce store?

You can install WooCommerce to your WordPress site with just one click. Then, you just need to add your products and you’re off. You could be up and running in just a few hours.



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