Every client and project is different. We can’t assume we can approach every project the same way. The only way to get the information you need before starting a project is to ask questions. Those questions shouldn’t be whatever comes to mind. They should be strategic and designed to get you the exact information you need. In this post, we’ll take a look at the questions freelancers should ask clients before starting a project.
Why Should Freelancers Ask Questions?

Before accepting a project, freelancers should ask specific questions to make sure they’re a good fit for the project. If freelancers don’t ask the right questions, they might end up accepting a project that they’re not a good fit for. We can’t assume the client is familiar enough with the work to know exactly what they need from you.
For example, as a writer, some clients will want the freelancer to upload blog articles to the website and enter all of the SEO data. Others will want to receive the article by email so they can upload it themselves. Others will ask for blog posts only, while some will ask for web page copy, user guides, product descriptions, etc. There is a different need for each type of writing, so the approach is different.
Information Isn’t Always Clear
We should never start a project without a clear understanding of the project. Many times, clients think they’ve provided clear information about a project. It’s clear in their minds, so they assume we understand what they mean by what they say. If we assume that the client has provided all the information as clearly as possible, we might create something they don’t want.
Get the Information You Need
We must guide them to provide the information we need for their project. One of the best ways to get this information is to have the client fill out a project form. The form should ask questions about the needs of the project. Another option is a face-to-face or online meeting. With this in mind, here are the questions freelancers should ask clients.
For information about freelancing, search the blog for “freelance” to see the many blog articles about becoming a freelancer in different fields. If you need hosting for your freelance website, see the article Web Hosting for Freelancers.
Questions Freelancers Should Ask Clients

Now that we know why freelancers should ask questions and the problems that could arise, let’s talk about the questions freelancers should ask clients. It’s important to ask these questions before accepting the project. It’s difficult to negotiate changes later. You won’t need to ask every question for every project. Every project is different, so use your own judgment.
Now, let’s look at the questions freelancers should ask clients. I’ve placed them in the general order that they should be asked. Be sure to modify them to suit your specific needs.
Have You Worked with Freelancers Before?
It helps to know if the client has experience working with freelancers. This opens them up for discussions about pricing, the process of working with you, how to communicate with you, and project management.
It can help them be aware that you may have other clients and projects going on at the same time. It also helps you be aware of their expectations.
What Are the Project Details?
This will tell us what the project’s needs are. This is especially important if you provide multiple services. You could offer services they might not know that you provide. You could also recommend someone who provides the services you do not. This will also help you understand how to help the client.
Generic information, such as we need a web designer or writer, doesn’t provide enough information about the project. They might need far more than either of these, or they may need someone else entirely.
What is the Scope of the Project?
You’ll need to understand the scope of the project. A project can require a lot of things, but they might not need a lot from you. They could be asking for something you don’t provide. It’s also possible they could need ongoing work. You need to make sure the scope of the work is something you can provide.
For example, they might need you for one task, such as writing a blog post, or for many related tasks, such as producing the email and social media content for the blog post. They may need you to redesign the look of their small website or create a large eCommerce website with thousands of products.
What are the Goals of the Project?
This will help you understand the purpose of the project. It will show what the client is trying to achieve and what problems they’re trying to solve with this project. You’ll get a better understanding of how you fit into this project.
The goals could include getting more customers, raising awareness, improving a website, streamlining a process, increasing their following, etc. This will help you work toward the client’s goal. It will show your value with the solutions and recommendations you can offer.
You may be able to offer alternative solutions, which would be better to mention at the beginning of the project. This will also ensure that the client is fixing the real problem and not focusing on a solution they don’t need.
This will also help you understand if you’re a good fit for the project.
What Services Does the Project Need?
This question narrows down the type of work the client is looking for. They might already have someone for certain services that you might provide. This will help you understand your role in the project.
For example, they may be asking for a content creator, but they might need a technical writer or a blog manager. It gives you a clear understanding of the services you’ll provide. You’ll be better prepared to provide an estimate for the work.
This will also inform them of your capabilities. They may be asking for a service that you don’t provide. For example, not every blog writer provides web page copy and vice versa. This will help you decide if you’re a good fit for the project.
You’ll need to be clear about what you’ll provide and what you will not. For example, they might want a blog writer to provide a featured image. If you don’t offer graphic design, then you’ll need to make sure they understand it isn’t included.
What Are the Deliverables?
This question is a follow-up to the previous question. Knowing the project’s deliverables is crucial. It allows the client to specify exactly what they want to receive from you. It’s more focused on the work rather than the services in general. If the answers are not detailed enough, follow up until you’ve gotten the information you need.
Do You Need One-Time Services or Ongoing Services?
You’ll also need to know if the services are ongoing or short-term. If it’s ongoing, you’ll need to know the frequency. For example, a blog writer could create one post, a post whenever called upon, or a set number of posts per month. If it’s ongoing, you’ll need to know the length of the project to plan. Each of those scenarios requires a different budget and timing.
Are There Any Legal Requirements?
This question opens the discussion about legal requirements that you must meet. Legal requirements could be anything from including certain text, building certain pages, blocking certain age groups, and more.
Who Else is Working on This Project?
It helps to know if other team members are working on parts of the project. This keeps you from doing the same task someone else is working on. It can also provide a list of people to contact if you have questions about something they’re working on, even if you only communicate through your contact.
How Will You Communicate for This Project?
Communication is crucial for every project. You need to know how you’ll communicate about the project and with whom. It’s important to know how communication will work and what is expected. Many companies communicate through email or team-based communication apps such as Slack or Basecamp.
You’ll also need an idea of how often to provide or discuss information. Some will want updates regularly while others will want updates at certain intervals. It will help you to know your level of involvement.
What is the Project’s Completion Date?
It’s important to know when the client needs the work from you. Asking for the completion date is specific and gets you a specific answer. Clients often have a better idea of when they want the project completed than other timeline details.
This will help you plan your workload, and you’ll know if you’re available to meet the deadline. It will also let you know if the client has realistic expectations for the project.
What is Your Process for Revisions?
The work may be exactly what they were looking for, but it’s also possible they could need changes. You’ll need to know about the process of making changes and edits. Sometimes clients want to add items or make large changes that were not previously discussed. You’ll need to discuss which edits are included in your pricing and which are not.
How Will You Approve the Work?
Once you’ve turned in the work, the client should approve that work. The work may need to go through several departments for approval and it could take a while. They should also get back to you to inform you of the approval. The client should have an approval process in mind. If not, this can help them create that process.
What is the Budget for This Project?
Asking for their budget is better than providing your rates. The client should know the budget for the project, and they should be willing to share that with you. Asking about the budget for the project gives you a realistic idea of their expectations. If their budget is too small, you won’t waste time providing an estimate. It will also help you to know if they’re serious.
If they don’t have a target budget or at least a range for the budget, they might be shopping around to see what the work could cost. In this case, they might not be ready to begin the project. If they ask you for a price, provide them with the budget range of similar projects you’ve completed.
Go into this question knowing your ideal price. Never provide a price without knowing the details of the project including the goals, services required, and deadlines.
Is there Anything Else I Should Know?
This is a good question to ask last or next to last. It allows the client to discuss anything that doesn’t fit with any other questions. It allows them to think through the project for anything that may have been missed or left out. This can provide you with valuable information that may have been left out up to this point.
Will My Work Process Work for You?
Step the client through your work process so they can decide if you’re a good fit for their project. It helps them to know how you’ll approach the work and how you’ll communicate with them.
The process might not matter to some clients, but others will appreciate the information. This lets them know what to expect and helps them to know more about the work involved with their project. It also allows them to ask questions about the process.
How Will You Pay?
It’s crucial to know what the client has in mind when paying for your work. It’s best to have this discussion before agreeing to the project. There are lots of options, so you don’t want to make any assumptions. They might have the idea of paying after the project is completed. Some might want to pay 30 days after completion. You might prefer installments as the project continues, half up front and half at the end, etc.
It’s also crucial to know how they will pay. Many clients pay with PayPal or similar secure platforms or send a check. Some might ask about cryptocurrency or other forms of payment. If you feel the need, you can inform them of how you handle non-payment.
Do You Have Any Questions?
This allows the client to ask any questions or raise any concerns about your work or the project. The client can get a sense of control and a sense of calm before the project starts. It helps them start the project in a relaxed state, which can help the project run smoothly.
Ending Thoughts on Questions Freelancers Should Ask Clients
That’s our look at the questions freelancers should ask clients. A good list of questions will be beneficial to both parties. You’ll get an understanding of the project, and they’ll get an understanding of your services. Starting a project with the right questions will remove issues that could arise later. The questions on this list should get you started in the right direction when working with any client.
We want to hear from you. Do you use these questions when discussing projects with clients? Let us know in the comments.

Randy A. Brown is a freelance writer from east TN specializing in WordPress and eCommerce. He's a longtime WordPress enthusiast and loves learning new things and sharing information with others. If he's not writing or reading, he's probably playing guitar.
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